Issues That Made You ANGRY While You Were A Jehovah's Witness

by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • jambon1

    People who were in a position of influence who were basically bullies. Nothing spiritual about them. If they were in the world they would be no-mark bastards. But hey, they got me to waken up & get me out of the org. Fannies.

  • minimus

    I try to look at my years as an elder objectively. Most in my circumstances, with my "theocratic" background, would never have resigned as an elder. But I just couldn't do it anymore.

    And yes, Mouthy, it is wrong, soooo wrong, that the cong. treats the innocent one like a disfellowshipped one too.

  • greendawn

    Minimus that was an interesting and to the point description of the way elders work behind the scenes. They are indeed acting in a way that serves the interests of the org and damages those of the R&F members it purports to be looking after.

    I disliked the totalitarian nature of this org, the arrogant and ego driven attitute of the FDS (10 or 20 individuals out of several million) who pretend that they have a monopoly on divine, inspiration, revelation, direction and authority, the reduction of most JWs to the status of supposedly non anointed, second rate members and the anti education policy.

  • minimus

    the doctrine of the FDS is bullsh*t.

  • greendawn

    It is indeed utter bullshit but millions of incredibly dumb JWs believe it. In fact over the last 150 years hundreds of arrogant pompous asses in America have claimed that they were granted a monopoly of revelation and all religious authority by God and the JW leadership is part of that trend.

    They were scheming and weaving deceptions to promote their companies oops religions in society. The newly started who had to begin from zero desperately needed this kind of devious marketing to begin moving ahead by attracting followers. And thus the FDS myth was born.

  • sf

    Never getting a solid, SATISFYING, answer to any question relating to some of the teachings.

    Yet that goes for any religion. Very aggravating.


  • sf


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Nothing angered me more than when they began to soften their stance on education a couple of years after I graduated high school. Thanks assholes!

  • potleg

    The double standards, when they give you instructions or make pronouncements they are spirit directed... but when they are obviously wrong then they are just imperfect humans.

    I was VERY angry and bitter for a long time but I managed to get rid of those feelings. I refuse to let them influence me, good or bad ever again. The WT has done so much damage to so many peope for so long it's a crime, and I mean a real crime. They should be punished for screwing up so many lives and even causing needless deaths.

  • real one
    real one

    This thread is sad

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