Lets talk about Jesus!

by real one 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyd0099

    Well, real one, you got your wish. People are talking about jesus. Happy now?

  • BurnTheShips
    Do any of you Doobie fans know who originally recorded "Jesus is just alright"?

    The Byrds!

  • VoidEater

    Yes, The Byrds...

    Do you feel that Jesus can fufil His purpose in your life?

    He has. Trust Him, RO. He's already done everything for me He needs to do, without any help from you.

    could we conclude from this scripture, which took place after Mary and Joseph found him in the temple at the age of 12,that he continued to go to the temple,ask questions and became a carpenter working with his step dad Joseph until he was 30?

    If you really want to know what He did from 12 to 30, check out Christopher Moore's "Lamb", available from fine booksellers everywhere, in standard as well as black leather, gilded edge, and attached bookmark editions.

  • Outaservice



  • momzcrazy

    Jesus Christ Comedy Bill Cosby

    I never understood this joke till I had my son. His name is dammit.



  • llbh

    Very funny momz i loved it



  • bluesbreaker59

    Ok, I believe in Jesus, or rather, the Bible's message of love for neighbor, trying to care for those without, and also trying to be a good person by following the basic 10 commandment type principles. What's wrong with that? Jesus, according to the bible, preached about good ideas, love, spreading the message of hope, honestly I don't see how having a certain hope or having genuine love and affection for your fellow man is a bad thing??? That's what I get from Jesus.

    HOWEVER, I must say this... If a Jewish carpenter today dressed in a robe and sandals walked from town to town in the US, claiming to be sent from God, or God's son, and showing love for one another, and using parables about slaves, etc. We might think he's crazy, but more than likely, no one would really pay much attention... I think that "Bible Jesus" message, is a pretty basic concept that anyone could've said, but all good concepts, its a shame more people don't put more of them into practice really, the world would be a better place.

    Jesus never said anything about R rated movies, drinking, smoking, having fun as a family, celebrating holidays, etc.

  • jaguarbass

    The Lord's Spirit has come to me, because he has chosen me to tell the good news to the poor. The Lord has sent me to announce freedom for prisoners, to give sight to the blind, to free everyone who suffers, and to say, "This is the year the Lord has chosen."

    Do you feel that Jesus can fufill His purpose in your life?

    Yes, But you have to take the Jesus pill, swallow it and not throw it up.

    I dont know what that particular year he said it in has to do with it though. Unless that is the year the information was made available for publication, kind of like a copyright. But then again, I dont think they wrote that down for at least 35 to 70 years after he said that.

    Hope and positve thinking can help people endure and get through the day. People hope tomorrow will be better.

    If your blind you have hope that in the next life you will see and that helps you endure one day from the next.

    As far as the prisoners go, Jesus and God live in prison, Many inmates find god and jesus there. God and Jesus spend so much time there they might as well move in.

  • Cyril Athanasius
    Cyril Athanasius

    DJK, here's a question: How is it possible for one and the same man both to have never existed and to have been the son of the town whore?

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    [thread hijack #3]

    WELCOME Cyril Athanasius !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Is that your real, given name? If so, that's one awesome mouthful ! Are you Greek or Middle Eastern? Are you in Greece and speak English? If it's not your given name, is there a reason you chose that one?

    Please post more, we'll love to hear from you !!!


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