Reasons You Hated Being A Jehovah's Witness

by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • dinah

    The isolation hurt the most. Even if you were physically present with some worldly friends from school you were guarded. You wanted to remain "without spot" and you feared to get too close because they were going to die anyway.

    Crapola, if your kids were raised in this, please help them now. Better yet, you guys heal together the way families are supposed to.

  • sooner7nc
    And thank goodness my son has helped me see that

    Your welcome.


    There is no other book man produced that can measure up to the Bible . The way it was written is pointing to the obvious fact it must come from God Yahweh.

    The time you spend with other people talking about the Bible is the best time spent ! If you could come to Washington ,D.C and see me I could show you how most people waste their time ! How man's energy is being lost by stupid actions of people who don't live according to the Bible.

    How great it is we are now living in the end-time era and it is most likely that in the year 2011 AD there will a new world order established for those who loved God Yahweh and accepted the Bible as the best ever book for man to live a true happy life. How glad I am that it is so close to the freedom when the floodgates will be open to the prosperity of man .This will be the real time for those who are saved .

    What no human eye saw , what no human ear heard ,these are the things God Yahweh prepared for those who love Him.Read 1 Corinthians 2.9.

    The Almighty God Yahweh who created billions of galaxies with billions of stars in each guarantees the truthfulness of the given reference !

    Look deep high into the sky and imagine you are shooting an arrow that goes straight into the sky all the time at the same angle 90 degrees and where it will come to a stop if your arrow goes all the time in the sam direction ! How can we live in the universe that has no end ? It seems impossible \a nd yet it must be so by reasoning and it is this reasoning is the only proof for the infinity !

    If we assume the universe has limits in space that is it ends what lies beyond and we can ask and ask the same question !

    The only reasoning ( a common sense) is the proof we exist ; as we cannot prove the infinity !

    The same applies to God Yahweh who is infinite and we will never have scientific proofs God Yahweh exists expect we have His special manifestations some people witness before very clearly. If they are true in what they relayed in the Bible and you think you waste time reading the Bible you are out of your mind ! Soon you will cease to exist for ever ! And nobody who is saved will care about your fate !

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