Will we win EUROVISION this year? May 21st 2008

by Crumpet 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crumpet

    The hopefuls to represent the UK are warbling on the BBC. Disconcerting but amusing to see the audience bastardise the Jerry Springer call for Wogan and now it's TERRY TERRY TERRY.

    If we were going to win on attractive luridly dressed girls we're in with a chance - although more cleavage and ass I say.

    The second band The Revelations are good, but not quite the Grand Climax I was hoping for.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    I can't listen to them on the internet

    Dammit, all the other BBC audio/video on their website is available in both Real and Windows media format - the Eurovision songs are only in Real Playerwhich I refuse to install because they ask for all your personal details before they register you - and then dump loads of other junk onto your PC even though you click the 'No' boxes

    Well sod 'em all, I won't vote for any!! I'll cheer for the Irish glove puppet instead!!

  • Crumpet

    LOL sad emo.

    are you that rare species without a television in every room?!!!

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    I think that the question should be "why should you care?".

    Apart from "miss world" maybe, it has to be the saddest competition there is.

    Do we dare ask what "grand climax" you are hoping for..???

  • Crumpet

    I think that the question should be "why should you care?".

    Apart from "miss world" maybe, it has to be the saddest competition there is.

    Do we dare ask what "grand climax" you are hoping for..???

    mr majestic, tsk tsk. I care because it has been a tradition for me longer than birthdays and christmases. But i also care because I intend to abandon Europe for South America before I reach 40 and i would really like to have Britian host it before I depart for other worlds. I shall have a tribute climax if we ever get to produce something that wins over the rest of Europe, who appear to hate the sails off the good ship Brit-Hop, steered firmly by El Capitain Paris. Why do Europeans hate Brits? (or is my answer in how I phrased the question???)

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    Maybe the reason why European’s hate us is because of how great the bands are that have come from here. The Stones, The Who, Pink Floyd, the list is endless.

    A whole history of success. Now would you begrudge the Euro’s the "wooden spoon competition".

    Surly not.

    Bet all the American, Australian, South African, etc, members are thinking, "I thought that the Brits were European?"

  • Crumpet
    Bet all the American, Australian, South African, etc, members are thinking, "I thought that the Brits were European?"

    I think you made my point very well indeed!

  • fifi40

    I feel a little sorry for Andy Abraham..........who has more talent in his little finger and yet could not even manage to get voted through by the judges, only to be saved by good ol Terry..........why is he entering this competition............he is so far from what Eurovision is about.


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    are you that rare species without a television in every room?!!!

    Indeed I am, crumpet! I got rid of my tv after the last summer Olympics. I don't really miss it, apart from odd occasions, the beeb have a lot of programmes in the catch up part of their website now so I watch out for interesting stuff on there. I listen to the radio a lot - the good thing is that I can do that and study at the same time whereas you can't watch tv and study! The tv licensing people don't seem convinced that I have no tv - I live in one of 'those' areas of town lol! So anyway - do we have a potential winner??

  • funkyderek

    Not a chance! Ireland is set for a record eighth victory with our unique entry "Irlande - Douze Pointes" performed by Dustin the Turkey.

    This is not a joke!


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