you know you are an apostate when.....

by loosie 58 Replies latest jw experiences

  • breakingfree

    So true PDB.. I actually read the WT now and remember all the ridiculous things it says!

  • Head West Dear Boy
    Head West Dear Boy

    When your singing at the kingdom hall and realise how silly you look and how bad the songs are.

    Oh and answering up in the Revelation book makes you feel guilty.

  • LouBelle

    when you say to others that believe its the truth "" how can you believe that shit ""

  • chickpea

    .... tuesday night vigils at JWD are more meaningful than the TMS/SM ever were!!

  • Honesty

    I was thinking about this about 2:45 this morning when a Ministerial Servant from my last congregation (the one where the P.O. made the announcement that I had willingly turned my back on God) drove onto the parking lot, saw me picing up product and then hauled ass ott5a there without slowing down.

    The guys who were helping me load my car said, "WTF???"

    I said, "Phil and I used to be in the same cult together until I escaped."

    They asked, "What did you do when you escaped, threaten to kill them all?"

    I said, "No, didn't say anything against them. Just said it was a lie and when ya do that the JW's run from ya when they see ya just like Phil just did."

    They asked, "Why"

    I said, "Because I'm an apostate."

    They said, "That's creepy the way he blasted off the property when he saw you.

    It's like you are some big bad boogah man."

  • Honesty

    Your front door mat says God Bless America

  • brinjen

    You hear 'watchtower' and immediately think Jimi Hendrix.

  • Honesty

    When you can hum along to Silent Night but can't remember any of the Kingdumb Songs.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    When talking with your dad, you can pick out the circular reasoning and false dilemmas of the scriptures thrown at you: if you are not with Jehovah, you are with Satan or against Jah. If you make friends with those who don't serve Jah, you will become just like them. Joining the military is the same as rejecting Jah. (equivocation)...

    When you drink to excess, smoke, and screw around and don't feel the least amound of guilt for it...

    You feel like hiding in your car to avoid being seen and approached when driving kids to meetings (they like to visit sometimes) because you get the willies just being in the parking lot.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    You hear "watchtower" and immediately think "Hail the watchtowers of the north. Hail and welcome! Hail the watchtowers of the west. Hail and welcome!..."

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