i still haven't found what I'm looking for?

by spacegirl 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seeker4

    Loved your posts and your idea. The world is ready for Spaceism - trust me!

    But on a serious note, I think you've hit on something here that is important. Most people spend their lives hoping that something OUT THERE will come into their lives or their hearts and MAKE EVERYTHING OK. Allah or Jesus or Jehovah or Buddha or the local "god who controls the rain" will watch over me and make everything all right.

    This is a big, often frightening universe, and like little children afraid of the dark, we need our Mommy-god or Daddy-god to cuddle us and dry our tears - even if the god lives only in our imagination. Humans have been creating these gods for tens of thousands of years at least to try to give some sense of outside meaning and purpose to their lives. Look how many drift from one thing to another - "and still haven't found what they're looking for."

    So many leave the Witnesses and simply replace those teachings with another mythology to make themselves feel saved or taken care of. The vast majority of people simply are not ready for a real transformation to a higher level of thinking and consciousness, they simply want a more comforting translation of the same old myths.

    "Where else is there to go??" they cry. "Who else has sayings of everlasting life." How about just growing up and accepting that we're all going to grow old and die.

    Every generation has had a few folks who stepped back and realized that the Wizard of Oz twisting the knobs behind the curtain was just another old fart like the rest of us. But for the most part, the majority have always wanted the comfort of the illusion - that belief in a higher power who watches over us, who has a GRAND PURPOSE for all of this, who will reward us with SOMETHING BETTER in an afterlife. They need that comfort - that a god will judge all of this and bring justice and balance the scales of everything in the end.

    Of course, it just isn't so. But I'm afraid it will be a long, long, long time before more than a handful of people stop needing the myths of a "Jesus in our hearts" or an "all-wise, all-powerful Allah." Until then we will continue to believe the myths as reality, continue to elevate our wisemen - our Mohammeds and Jesus' - into gods, continue to look for the answers "out there," and continue to imagine that these gods are touching our lives and lifting the pain from our hearts. And unfortunately, continue to waste the energy on religion that we could be using to make what is real better for billions.

    It seems we are missing the real miracle here - the power in the human heart and mind all on its own.

  • spike

    Good luck. I hope your beliefs include love,compassion and the right to bear arms. Oh wait that's mine.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Yo Spacegirl,

    I'll sign up.

    Have you looked into the Church Of The SubGenius? I'm almost certain those guys were Dubs once.

    The Force Will be with you... always!

  • spacegirl

    nowaytess, I send you all the love and peace in my heart.

  • spacegirl

    Seeker - cheers for your philosophies. I realise a lot of what you wrote makes sense and stuff that I've already come to a conclusion about. This is where Spaceism comes into it's own cos it's based on the theory that we all have an inner god and we all have our own bible. All we need to do is get in touch with that inner voice and not fight against it. Alternatively, it's just one of my ways of trying to make people smile cos enough miserable humans about at the moment isn't there. Will let you know when the website is complete. Cheers.

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