Seventh Day Adventist Funeral

by Judith 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Judith

    I attended a Seventh Day Adventist funeral today. She was a really nice person that I had worked with some years ago. She was kind to everyone, never a bad word about anyone, always willing to help, and didn't toss her religion down your throat. She seemed to be one of the happiest people around. 7 years ago she developed cancer and has been going through treatments for the entire time. She died due to complications on Monday. I thought about calling her on Monday although I had not talked with her in two months. It was almost overpowering that I had to call. And then, I got a call telling me that she had died. How sad that she died and how sad that I didn't call before Monday.

    I attended the funeral so that I could be at her last event. A saying goodbye and that I will miss you. I sat and thought about her, 49 years old and gone. I really believe that she loved her life and her religion. I stayed for the service (searching for another religion, am I?) I wanted to hear what they had to say. Except for mention of Jesus and not Jehovah, the words were on a par with the Witnesses. The minister said that she is in the ground awaiting the resurrection and that all the church members would see her again when Jesus came and took them up to the clouds. The dead being taken first.

    I spoke with her mother and she said that it won't be long before her daughter will be with Jesus and that she will be with her daughter soon also. I did not want to question a grieving woman so I didn't ask for specifics. It sure sounded that they have some kind of time frame for the end too. Does anyone know if this is true?

    I will miss Dianna and tonight I grieve.

  • wannahelp

    Dunno, but I believe that the Adventists had alot to do with Witness Theology in the Russell years..

    I think Russell stole most of his early dates from the Adventists..

    So, I guess there are bound to be similiarities.. Would be interesting to hear if they do shunning, and cannot look at other material, etc.. like the witnesses...

  • unclebruce

    sorry to hear about your loss Judith,

    Yes, as wannahelp says .. the International Bible Students drank from the same well spring as most of the other mid ninteenth century American Adventists. I sometimes wonder about Pensylvania water. Still, it may have been better if they'd bottled and shipped that around the world rather than the religious tracts that cost so many of us years of slavery and heartache.

    These fools started out with the lie that 'the end of the world' would come in 1844 and built lie upon unscholarly lie from there. Jehovahs Witnesses is a religion for wishful thinkers (if you can call following someone elses dream thinking and if you can call wishing for the anihilation of most of the worlds population healthy)

    regards unclebruce

  • RR

    Actually, The SDA and Witnesses are spiritual cousins. The SDA was formed out of a few Millerites who were converted by Seventh Day Baptist on the issue of the Sabbath. They are the largest of the Adventist groups, formed around the 1850s. They have evolved somewhat since the death of Ellen White in 1915. Although they believe the Lord's return is soon, I know of no data that they have set any specifics dates. Although they may have alluded to some during the two world wars.

    I Still Believe ....

  • Judith

    Thanks for you condolences UncleBruce.

    Do you really think there is something in Pa. water? Could be since I started studying with the JW's when I lived in Pa. <grin>

    Now that I think of it, the 7DA at the funeral did remind me of the people that attend the meetings at the hall. Poor and a bit downtrodden. Yet hopeful when the minister spoke of the resurrection. Yet sad and without light in their eyes. No wonder I felt comfortable being there with them. I have sat with people just like them for 28 years.

  • Judith

    Hi RR

    Thanks for your answer to my post. I know that they believe in the Trinity because I heard it mentioned at the funeral tonight. So that may have been one of the reasons they split off from their cousin the WT. I was raised a Baptist and at age 12 Presbyterian. I never could understand the Trinity. How could God be the father and yet also the son. And then the Holy Spirit enters and is God also. This is yet another reason why the Witness religion seemed so right.

    Nothing about religion seems right to me now.

    You end your posts with "I still believe". May I ask what it is that you still believe? I am interested because I want to believe.


  • barry

    Being a current member of the Seventh day Adventist Church I may be able to answer some of the questions brought up here. i also studied with the witnesses for a while.

    Judith Adventists beleive the second comming of christ is close but havent made a date for it. William Miller did make a date 1844 when nothing happened the date was reinterpreted to be another event 'the investigative judgement' this doctrine is still held by the Adventist Church but is rejected by the evangelical groups within the church.

    Wannahelp shunning is not practiced among Adventists and would be considered an unchristian practice. There is no restriction on reading apostate literature or going to other churches or the kindom hall. I went to the memorial and asked my minister to come with me and he was happy to come.

    The church is divided between traditionals who retain some of the distinctive Adventist doctrines and the Evangelicals who reject the 1844 type unscriptuall positions.

    Adventists do have some similarities with the witnesses baptism by immersion, soul sleep, pre millienism, some are Arian but the vast majority are trinitiarian

    Holy communion is practiced approximately 3mthly and is open to all beleivers regardless of denomination and is preceeded by footwashing as in Matthew when Jesus washed the desciples feet. So the moral is go with clean feeet on that day.


  • Judith

    Hi Barry

    Thank you for the information on Seventh Day Adventist. You say you are a member but you do attend the memorial at the Kingdom Hall. Will you share the reasons why you attend both religions?

    Thank you


  • RR


    You end your posts with "I still believe". May I ask what it is that you still believe? I am interested because I want to believe.

    Sure. Simply put, I haven't thrown the baby out with the bathwater. I believe in some of the basic teachings of the Society, which they borrowed from others before them. NO .. trinity, hellfire, immortal soul. Two salvations: heavenly/earthly. There are many groups who do teach the basic principles of the Bible, without the "we are God's organization" logo attached to it.

    I should say while I was serving with the Witnesses I was doing my research on their history, theology and practices. I've always enjoyed history. I eventually came across the writings of Charles Taze Russell, he taught me alot about what it really meant to be a Christian, and as I investigated the many claims, I found that many were either unfounded or misunderstood. So, I left the Witnesses and began frllowshipping with the Bible Students. Ten years later, I am still here!

    I Still Believe ....

  • Judith

    Hi RR

    Please do tell me, who are the Bible Students?


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