Trying to make changes in my life. Need help!

by crapola 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Deidra

    Good luck. Life begins for you as soon as you're out of the JW organization. Life can be so beautiful. Breathe and congratultions on your decision. I agree, it won't always be easy. You'll second guess yourself. However, time will help.

  • Maddie

    Welcome to JWD crapola

    Well like others have said it depends on whether you have reasons you don't want to be shunned or anything that you wouldn't want to lose. JW's aren't allowed to leave without paying a price, that is because it is a cult. Many "fade" because of not wanting to lose family and friends that are JW's. Even then you may still be shunned. If you don't have these fears then DA to get them off your case. JW's don't have the "truth" at all, in fact nothing could be further from the "truth".


  • worldtraveller

    Welcome! I think you need to convince yourself thoroughly that it's time to move on first. Once you have established that certainty, then you should be able to convince others. If you believe that it's all corrupt, then take another step.

    One thing we ALL agree on here is that it's impossible to reason with one so engrained, so refuse to engage them. That's the only way to win.

    So when you see or hear one, just say no thanks.Not interested.

  • The Graduate
    The Graduate

    Welcome to the club, crapola! I think you've got plenty of good advice here; could no longer add. Cheer up!

  • flipper

    CRAPOLA - Welcome to the board friend ! It is true what you say - they will try to bother you , I've been out 4 years and some relatives still try to occasionally pester me about it. Not as much asthey used to though. Like others said - if you have some witness relatives you want to stay close to - just tell them you have personal issues you are dealing with you'd rather not talk about. No one can force you to talk. And you don't owe the elders anything ! You do NOT have to talk to them ! Don't let them harass you or scare you. They are like you and me , they bleed, they use the toilet , they are NOT special. Like others said - only give out your phone number to those you want to have it. Good luck to you friend ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Hello from the Aussies!!!! They will get tired and leave you alone if you don't encourage them.

  • ferret

    Welcome crapola

  • LouBelle

    Welcome to the board.... Well you could be truthful and let them know you don't think it's the ""truth" anylonger - that will get you disassociated - you could however disassociate yourself - but it does need thoughtful consideration.


    just ignore them

  • sacolton


    Psalm 146:3 "Do not trust in princes, In mortal man, in whom there is no salvation."

    This is one of the most important scriptures to remember. The WATCHTOWER claims that only
    through them can you acheive salvation. Without them, you will not make it to a Paradise Earth.
    They place themselves in the direct relationship between mankind and Jesus Christ by claiming
    that Jesus Christ is not the mediator between God and mankind, but the mediator between God
    and the anointed 144,000. This is not what the Bible says.

    John 14:6 "Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me."

    Only through Jesus Christ - not through a man-made organization to tell you what to think, say and do.

    The WTBTS is a false religion and false prophet.

    Free yourself.

    I disassociated myself after 9 years.

    Welcome! You are amongst friends here.

  • real one
    real one

    you could write them a letter to dissassociate yourself instead of getting df. If you still believe in God tell them you are interested in serving God not the wts. everytime they speak to you bring up all the lies you have learned. minister to them if you can or feel like it. they mean well but as you have probably figured they are probably the ones on the broad road.

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