Ever have a gout attack?

by Gregor 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I take allopurinol every day to keep gout away. It's wonderful!

  • Finally-Free

    In the mid 1990's I had a flareup that lasted 3 months, and I was walking with a cane. Unfortunately I was looking for a job at the same time, and having to hobble into interviews like that. Pain in the butt. The indomethecin wasn't helping with the pain any more. I hadn't had a beer in months, and I finally got pissed off. I was obeying my doctor's instructions to the letter, and 3 months later I was still suffering from the same attack. I decided to go to a bar to kill the pain, since nothing else was working. I drank 4 pints of Smithwicks and went home.

    The next morning my gout was gone. I attribute it to the dramatic increase in fluid though. Water would likely have been better than beer.


  • rekless

    The next morning my gout was gone. I attribute it to the dramatic increase in fluid though. Water would likely have been better than beer.

    Isn't wierd how it disappears so fast. You wish some one would kill you and the next day it is gone.

    How did the interview go? I bet they were wide eyed and surprized.


  • Finally-Free
    How did the interview go? I bet they were wide eyed and surprized.

    None of my interviews at that time resulted in second interviews. I just changing my career at the time, so having no on-the-job experience in that field at the time combined with my inability to walk like a normal person probably didn't make me seem to be a very attractive candidate.

    Of course, constantly grimacing in pain wouldn't have made me look very enthusiastic about the positions either.


  • FlyingHighNow

    I had a lot of intestine removed. So the result was being constantly dehydrated. That made my uric acid levels very concentrated and I ended up getting kidney stones several times a year. I had the joint problems, too.

    My doc said I needed to keep hydrated and he gave me a potassium drink that made my blood more alkaline. So anything you can do, such as drinking plenty of water and to get the acidity down in your blood will help. Our healthfood store has a research library where you can find all kinds of info on how to do just that. You might phone yours to see if they have a similar library.

  • abyss57

    Yup, NO FUN....lasted 2 weeks before a pharmacist who saw me limping said to "tell my DR. to prescribe Colchicine...should be gone in 24 hours". I wanted to KILL the DR. for not prescribing it already...next day went to a walk-in clinic...the Doc said "why didn't he give you colchicine...it would be gone in 24 hours?" DUH! 24 hours later it was gone.....Indomethicine, Motrin, Advil...no help! Cherry juice didn't work for me either...I searched the net and the PDR....The Allopurinol my Dr. gave me for high uric acid actually triggered the 1st attack!!

    I asked him about that...the PDR states it...he said "Yeah, it can do that!"....Anytime I feel the big toe joint start to stiffen up...I take a little magic colchicine pill and I never get an attack...I drink all I want...eat whatever...haven't had another attack in 8 years!! Haven't forgiven that first Dr.

  • Gregor

    Abyss, thanks. But I have a problem with Colchicine. It gives me very bad diarrhea. I actually have several tablets left from a few years ago when it was prescribed. This led to a bout of hemorroids! My second least favorite ailment.

  • hillary_step


    Every time a health issue is mentioned on this Board I am amazed by the amount of people suffering from it, and who have suffered other issues in the past.

    So far, so good with me, but I am awaiting the disastrous consequences of being in my mid-fifties. What can I expect?


  • nomoreguilt

    hillary_step....Arthritis, gout, bad eyes, thick toenails, baldness, grandkids, money scroungers, hemeroids, more deaths in the family, root canals, false teeth, etc etc.


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I had one attack me once, I got rammed and had to jump the fence just to get away. They'll eat anything so I heard.

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