If not for the 'truth' I'd be a serial killer

by coolhandluke 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • sweetface2233

    After I commented on this thread, I took a little more time to think about my response.

    I can't be 100% sure that I would have gone to college, gotten my CPA, and been spearheading a large corporation had I not been raised as a JW. I could have gotten pregnant my freshman year, dropped out of school, have 4 kids by now, and be using food stamps to provide a meal for them. My mother was raised as a Catholic and dropped out of college to marry my father. She had a horrible childhood filled w/ neglect and abuse. Just like joannadandy said, I don't understand how so many people can be sure that they would have had happy childhoods and a well balanced life if they weren't JWs.

    Being raised as a JW has helped me to appreciate Saturday mornings more than the average person. Ahhh...sinking back into the bed when you know you don't have to be anywhere...ah...sweet ecstasy.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    A pilot. I used to lay in the grass and watch and listen to the sweet sounds of the aircraft that moved overhead. I repressed my desires - to watch the new world come in sometime near 1975. It didn't - even when I waited on Jehovah for a lot longer to bring it. I used to read and reread all the pilot magazines while imagining myself in those cockpits.

    Now at 52, with poorer eyesight, and treated HBP, I likely could not even pass the physical to get licenced. God, I wish I had not clicked on this thread.


  • jaguarbass

    Good post Domineque. I guess theres some good in just about anything. I think the Wac Tower kept me out of Viet Nam. So today I have all my limbs. And any real or immagined problems are not from being sprayed with Agent Orange.

    I dont know what I would have been with out the tower. The Wactower has been convienient for me as I can blame my midlife crisis on the Jehovahs witnesses. I am a person who likes to blame. I think the society taught that to me. They would always talk about the world and its problems and if you do this you get that. The only good thing to do was to sell magazines and go to magazine sales meetings. Then you wouldnt be in trouble or fuxs up.

    College education would have opened the doors to endless opportuinities its hard to say where they would have lead. Many good companies require college to become a manager.

    I always liked sports, but when I was young sports didnt pay like today. In fact 2 weeks ago I trained a former major league ball player who was on a lot of teams in the 70's and 80's. He was a catcher for the Indians, Phillies, he hit 2 home runs in one game for the white sox. His first major league contract in the 70's was 19,ooo$ and thats living out of a suitcase. So while I liked sports I dont think the witnesses stopped me from being a pro athelete. I had to work putting roofs on with my father so I couldnt join the football team because they started like a month before school started in July. He wasnt a witness but he made me work for him in the summer, which is good and bad. I had a job and some money. I might have been able to join the schools baseball team if I wasnt a witness. But I ran track and wrestled and golfed for my shcool. I played softball at night in the summer.

    I like music and still pursue that interest. When I got married to have legal sex that door closed, at least to my perception of making it to the big time. I might have been a pro musician. But I check out some of the pro musicians I idolized in my youth on my space and the ones I admired who were sidemen didnt end up as well as I after 20 years. If your the star thats another story. But some of the bands that I idolized are still out there working as much as they can Blue Oyster Cult, The tubes.

    I would have liked to think I would have been a musician. But I grew up in a somewhat nice cushy enviroment and doubt that I would have made the sacrafices that a lot of the musicians from the 60's and 70's made to make it eating peanut butter and living out of cars.

    I do remember getting the message from the meetings that education was bad. So I didnt apply myself. Without applying myself its hard to say where I would have ended up.

    Today I can tell you I wish I had become a school teacher. I'd be retired now and I would have had the weekends and summers and holidays off.

    Why did this print so small? Maybe I wrote too much.

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