Getting the forum back on track

by Simon 147 Replies latest forum announcements

  • Priest73

    I'll take that a compliment VoidEater...

  • Ancient One
    Ancient One

    I’ve been reading disputed posts last several days and tracking down what was referenced and like you for the life of me couldn’t see what the fuss was about.

    I tend to believe that person with the cancer has had some experience with a cancer at some stage, perhaps she’s not completely out of woods yet (though major drama has been and gone without having anyone to see what she had been through, my opinion anyway.)
    Coming to this place she had impression of sympathetic environment that in a way gave her opportunity to make up for and relive the experience of those past dramas.

    Why am I saying that? Because everything about this case tells me that, people who had been through major dramas in life for prolonged periods of time, perhaps a better part of their lives but never had sympathetic ear are like stretched spring. When they suddenly come to relaxed environment all that pressure gets suddenly released where they either constantly talk about what they had been through or this case relive it all. For them it is as real as when it was happening for real. As they get some attention they start craving for more and so the story continues. It is kind of like that movie ‘gunfight at ok corral’ while historically it lasted hardly 30 seconds movie made it last at least half an hour with build up, what, something like 2 hours?! It doesn’t make it false it is just that the story had been stretched to highlight its significance and what it meant to those people. Mind you from my own experience I know that these kinds of things tend to make time stand still with every second lasting an eternity.
    Unfortunately, to outsider who are NOT in the hot water themselves or who had had support through similar experience upon hearing something like that their mind only seeks out inconsistencies and fails to see the bigger picture. Think about it, there can really be only two motive either person seeks attention she never had in her life or there is a monetary gain to be considered. However for the second one there must be evidence of consistent gain that outweighs the effort put into it otherwise what’s the point. In translation if someone decided to send the person a gift that can hardly be used as evidence against recipient UNLESS THERE IS A PROLONGED HISTORY OF ABUSE AND CONSISTENT MONETARY GAIN for which in this case there is NO evidence. So this person only wanted one thing this forum claims to give – understanding and attention. So I think it is really the time to take deep hard look into what it is we are doing here and for what cause.

    In meantime to people desperately needing attention I can ironically offer only advice that comes straight from the bible “Let not your foot be frequently in your neighbour's house, or he may get tired of you, and his feeling be turned to hate.”


    It's great to hear some Good News!!! I'll drink to that!!!


  • Farkel

    Simon said,

    : We will also be clamping down on the paranoid assusation type of comments against newbies, if someone joins the fourm and you do not believe everything they post - so what, why do we need to hound them away with shouts of troll and fake etc, just ignore them if you dont beleive them. Just because someone may not express themselves well doesn't automatically mean they are fake.

    You butchered the Queen's English with that paragraph, Simon. But you are not a "fake." I won't suck up to you, but I respect you and I do respect the hard work you've put into this board. More than others who are non-tech types, I know what it takes to create, update, improve and maintain a board of this magnitude. (Even if you had to use a piece-of-shit technology like dot NET!)

    Just teasing. God bless you and Ang!

    Farkel, unreformed Pedant Class

  • LearningToFly

    Thank you Simon. I am still somewhat a newbie.. and after lurking and seeing all the drama that has happened here.. I have been afraid to post. I have in the past received so much support, but after seeing so many attacked.. I have been afraid to just speak my mind. . whether it be in support of others or just needing to be heard.

    All of us have had our own experiences after leaving.. all experiences being unique. Some of us move forward faster than others.. and some of us not. I am of the "not" crowd. I hope that all newcomers are accepted openly.. and heard.

    A reminder to the oldies.. some of us are still searching.. confused and needing support to finalize the departure moment in are minds even if the departure happend years ago. All the newbies are in need of that unconditional support that was never received while being in. Perhaps we have wierd ideas.. and still stuck in the mind set of the JW indoctrination.. but we know it.. and only want support.


  • moshe
    Perhaps we have wierd ideas..

    Ltf- that is what we need ideas! This is something that many just out of the KH are doing for the first time in years -thinking again!- and I so so enjoy the poster who has , for me, an "original idea" !! It makes my day to read the fresh ideas from the new ones. You are all welcome in my world.- except thinkers like obves.

    Peace- and thanks, Simon,


  • bisous

    Regarding why the old grey mare just ain't what she used to be, I say everything must and will change. Watchtower doctrine can only be examined and re-examined so many times. Ditto with the list of recovery topics. Even at the slower pace of these topics coming on board ... they too are repetitive. If people wish to read doctrinal topics, they can use the boards handy forum categories to locate them.

    Just as, suggested earlier, those fluff and/or non-JW topics can be found via forum categories vs. active topics which require scrolling through the topic list to locate themes that interest you. Obviously, based on the active topic listings (those most read or in other words of most interest to the readers) ... a variety of subjects are of interest to the JWD reading populace.

    Simon, I don't envy your position. not an iota. But I'm glad you've taken it on ... and kept it for so long.

  • hillary_step

    Hello Learning,

    Perhaps we have wierd ideas.. and still stuck in the mind set of the JW indoctrination.. but we know it.. and only want support.

    To be honest often the problem is that some are, as you correctly suggest still stuck in WTS thinking in many aspects of their lives, but they do not know it.

    It is often the attempts to get them to see just how stuck they are in this thinking that results in many of the Board wars that we have seen over the years. Unlike many, I do not recoil from the idea of combative threads that might force people to sit up and take stock of their thinking. Yes, often it can be painful, but suffering a little short-term discomfort for the sake of a longer term advantage is imo a price worth paying.


  • donkey

    Please delete Hillary, Simon. I cannot handle his posts and the sarcasm is causing me to convulse unwillingly. Thanks.

  • R6Laser

    Funny how quoting something said years ago is taken as going out of context, which I agree it is. But isn't that what this forum is all about, quoting the WTS for things that happened years and years back.

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