My Current Battle

by KW13 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • dawg

    I didn't mean it like that either aHurbert... what I'm saying is why do you (if you do) think God is such an asshole? That seems to be what you're saying, that he'll put you in hell, or punish you in some way becasue you got it wrong?

    Isn't it his fault for making up the nonscense we see in each and every damned religious book we ever read? If one of them is correct, why the hell can't he make them more beliveable?

    But Hurbert, I'm truly not saying this to make youm mad, jsut seems like today many posters are saying things that make me go "WHat"? I just really want to hear your explaiination.

  • hubert

    Like I said, Dawg, maybe I didn't quote it right. I wish I could find the quote, but I haven't been able to.

    There may be something in that quote that implies living an honest and charitable life also, but I don't remember.

    Now, don't go saying that I said if you don't believe in God or are an atheist, you are not honest, because I didn't mean that at all. I know some perfectly honest atheists myself.


  • Eliveleth
    I know she'll judge me not for what I'm about to say...that said... I don't think God does either.

    Dawg, honey, you are right. We are all on a road. We are all at different places, but God loves us all and does not condemn us.

    Studied? Each and every religion I've studied... none of them are all right and none are all wrong... but the mystery, the mystery of what makes life come into existence...thats what puzzles me... if for my buddy Elivelith, if she finds comfort in Jesus, if that makes her day go along better and she hurts no one by her beliefs, then who am I to judge.. but as for God... where is he, where was he when the long lines of people filled the chambers at Atshwitz...if I'm spelling that answer?

    Consider this: If man's spirit returns to God at death, then all those who died at Auschwitz are no worse off than they were. In fact, a lot better. I do believe that death sometimes is better than the life that would have been lived on earth. I cannot judge this because I do not know the future, but I believe God does. I have heard people condemn God for destroying whole nations such as Sodom and Gomorrah. Could it be possible that God removes people to take them to a place where they can be taught to live a better life? I believe that everything that God does is for good. I do believe that some may be punished forever, but not people who are not sure or who question, but people who are wicked and do not care about doing good and who literally turn their backs on God and goodness. I don't think people "fall" into everlasting punishment, but deliberately choose.


    I really appreciated your post. Such good advice! It is so much better to take our time to form our thoughts and beliefs. I know that many believers feel that their way is the only way and try to "preach" or impose their way of believing on others. If Jesus is the true God, then I believe that it is presumptuous to think that we can change other people. He is God, He can convince in His own way. I have known of many "atheists" who have changed their minds during the last few minutes of their lives. Why? We can only know that when we get to that place.

    Hubert: I feel this way too. Believing in God gives me hope. I don't think religion can add anything except maybe fellowship.

    Love and hugs,


  • Eliveleth

    You see we all have to search our own hearts and minds as to what is best for us. If it is not going to church okay ,if going to church okay, being an athiest is somewhat difficult for me comprehend I don't grasp it, it is a complexity to me. That No, God doesn't exist? It just doesn't correlate or interact with me. But this is me.

    However if it correlates with you then that is where you want to and need to be, Seek that which puts you in a place of tranquility and inner peace and that is what I wish for you, Peace and contentment.


    What you said!! I think everyone has to find their own way. What may be right for me, may not be right for anyone else. It has to be what give you happiness. I know what we believe is not static. I have changed so many times over the 24+ years out of the WT. I may change again tomorrow. I just let God lead me.

    Love and hugs,


  • Carmel

    I can empathize with you in your quest for understanding and answers. Pretty common amongst thinking persons that found their way out of the JW jaws! I searched for several years for a philosophy that was satisfying and finally gave up settling on agnosticism. Yet I still yearned for a cosmology that gave purpose to life and gave a goal for not only me as an individual but humanity itself. History suggests to me that humans were very animal and beastly and that there is a general civilizing trend that is traceable and obvious to the fair observer. So it seems to me that have in to choose between a document that reflects 6000 year old (2000 for parts of it) stories that were passed on from one generation to another and complete rejection of the mystical element of man is a dichotomy that would leave me pretty depressed. One doesn't have to choose between the OT view of God and no God at all. carmel

  • jaguarbass

    You dont have to make any declarations just observe and enjoy the ride.

    I may be going to hell in a bucket, babe
    But at least I'm enjoying the ride, at least I'll enjoy the ride.

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