by V 49 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • V

    Jefferywhat: maybe you should read the first sentence of this study again...

    Jehovah's great day is not 24 hours long. It is an extended period during which divine judgment is executed upon the wicked . The ungodly have reason to dread that day of darkness, fury, burning anger, distress, and desolation.

    So much love...I can feel it! Can you?

    Never before have they mentioned sin and not "commanded" one to confess to the elders, they only mention ones obligation to confess to Jehovah to me , thats progress.

    There has been no proceedure change regarding confession to elders. You are deluding yourself. Still an active witness myself and there is no "progress." Trust me.


    Nosferatu..That was Frigg`n Hilarious..If Watchtower studys were like this one.There wouldn`t be an empty seat at the Kingdung Hole!(A poop joke!..LOL!!).......What could be better than irrevelant scriptures and Poop!..........................Jeffrywhat is Cranky..Maybe he needs to..Queue For Toilet.....................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Robert222

    Very good study - I liked the irrelevant scriptures you exposed in the article. Notice the membership only edition will not dare question the dates mentioned in the paragraph - 607, 1914, and the fact the scriptures do not support or mention those JW dates.

    The ending of the article was just as ridiculous, where do the scriptures say Noah or John the Baptist are not in heaven? That the new system will be us sitting around in native clothing talking about the old days and eating fruit. Bizarre.

  • Robert222

    Sorry for the double post - one more thing, here's how I envision the New System conversation:

    -So Noah, how did you build that ark??

    Noah: I didn't, it was a metaphor for being saved in a figurative ark by God.


  • R.Crusoe

    Well put! Condensed the years into a tin of prunes!

  • 5go
    Nosferatu, get the point, a hair cut and a life.

    Why doesn't the JW get a life instead of coming on this board (which he has been informed by his leaders will lead to his failing out of favor with his god) to tell others to get a life.

  • Nosferatu

    - "Nosferatu, i break my vow of silence to say that finally a watchtower points to the correct from of motivation, love."

    You obviously didn't read what I wrote. I pointed out the love factor, and it was very nice. Unfortunately, all the people we are supposed to love (our neighbors) are going to be destroyed by someone who hates them - Jehovah. That's not very nice. And Jesus who loves his neighbor associated with the world, so he's part of the world. So his ass should get smoked at Armageddon too.

    - "Nosferatu, get the point, a hair cut and a life."

    I got the point, I'm not getting a haircut, and even though you're an asshole, you're my neighbor and I love you :)

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Jeffreywhat, thanks for posting. Your positive attitude is good, so this is nothing personal. Unfortunately, I'm in a cranky mood and this is way too easy to pass up...

    I hope this org has realized where they have gone wrong and try to correct it, stay tuned!!

    This organization doesn't believe they've gone wrong anywhere. Trust me on that one. I knew almost half the GB before they were appointed.

    Corrections? No, they call it 'new light' and 'present truth'. You know, the way they, by Holy Spirit, have come to know that the end is really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really close. They'll correct that by adding another 'really'. Oh, and they'll correct anybody that advocates any sexual positions other than the missionary position (for obvious reasons). And speaking of 'missionary' they'll correct the R&F by telling them to spend more time in the ministry and stop recreating, and stop procreating, too, probably.

    Never before have they mentioned sin and not "commanded" one to confess to the elders, they only mention ones obligation to confess to Jehovah to me , thats progress.

    Actually the article stated:

    By all means, seek the assistance of Christian elders. Their prayers and counsel will help restore you to spiritual health. (James 5:13-16) Pray to Jehovah with a repentant attitude. Failure to do so would leave you with a sense of guilt and a troubled conscience.

    That's trick wording. If it's a disfellowshipping offense, their 'assistance' is a judicial committee. If it's not a DF offense, they'll counsel you, meet as a body, come back and counsel you some more, maybe remove privileges. If you don't 'seek the assistance' and the elders find out through somebody else... you're toast.

    "By all means" means get your butt in the elders' windowless room ASAP!!!!

    Prayer is something you tell them that you did, but it doesn't matter since Jah won't testify at your judicial committee hearing. Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, or Count Chocula are more likely to show up than either Jah or Jesus.

    As a JW, you're always supposed to have "a sense of guilt and a troubled conscience" for not going in service enough. I found that Prozac clears up those troubling feelings nicely.

    Nosferatu, go ahead and keep the hair. As the WT conductor it gave you a very Old Testament make-fun-of-my-hair-and-I'll-grab-the-jawbone-of-an-ass-like-Samson-and-kill-you-and-take-your-clothes-and-your-foreskin-(-or-not) kinda look.

  • Nosferatu

    What the heck am I gonna do with foreskin? Mount it over the fireplace and call it a "good hunting year"? :)

  • jefferywhat

    Hey V,

    IM still active and I sense a change, seriously......they have a WT that does not have any guilt trip about going to the elders for sin, the Reasoning book has always said this and when its printed in a WT, it has always had the little disclaimer that you have to confess to elders, it doesnt say it here.

    Billy, I did deserve a bit of a flogging, Its just the Nosferatu has been out for 12 years, and was never really in, so his comments wound me up, its easy to criticize!!

    Finally after all the talk in the writing Dept/ about losing guilt as motivation, it happens, encourage it.

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