Is the Watchtower loosing it's grip on the membership??

by isnrblog 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • isnrblog

    It seems that many Jehovah's Witnesses are not so sure about "The Truth"

    From this and other website/discussion groups and from my own experience a lot of Witnesses are having major doubts, but seem to be hanging in the Organization, probably because of the disfellowshipping thing. I hope the Bethelite that came up with that got a big bonus.

    Since I was DF'd, I have maintained contact with several local Witnesses who "secretly" talk to me and email me about things going on in the various congregations. Most of these JW's frequent "apostate sites" and are amazed by the contradictions and edits in the Watchtower literature.

    I always maintain that the problem with the Witness is not theological, i.e. id there a trinity? do we have a soul? As a deist, I don't really care. You don't have to go any further than their own literature and the contradictions,edits and flip flops there in.

    The internet with all the info available must scare the s**t out of the Watchtower Society and the GB.

    There are posters here who are still in the Witnesses, even Elders. I am assuming for the most part we are not being BS'd. From what an average Witness can read from the CD and in their own literature, the Society hangs itself.

    It may be starting to snowball.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee
    It may be starting to snowball.

    I certainly hope so. There will always be those that "swallow and follow", will never look into things for themselves. But I think more and more people are realizing this is bullsh*t and doing their research. All it takes is a quick google search to come up with tons of info.


  • WTWizard
    All it takes is a quick google search to come up with tons of info.

    Of course, it also takes access to a computer. The witlesses are being drained of cash before they can accumulate enough for a computer (and, if that $800 tax rebate does come through, most of them are going to put it all into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund or into expenses that come with the field misery).

    For instance, though I strongly believed that the Watchtower Society and Jehovah were exploiting humans to do the dirty work, it took a Google search to confirm it. I didn't even have a computer until July 2006, and until then, I could neither confirm nor spread my doubts. Now, I bet that with the no-college and the heavy emphasis on donating more to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund, people are going to be unable to afford the $500 or so on a computer.

    Plus, it takes time to learn to operate one. I was online within three hours of getting the computer out of the box. Not everyone is able to figure it out that quickly. Most people will spend a whole day just trying to assemble the damn thing, and that is a day that is "stolen" from Jehovah and that should have been wasted "saving" lives. And most people are going to take at least a week (at least most people that are witlesses) before they are able to navigate the Internet. Even the three hours I spent could have "saved" 180 lives had I been out in field circus instead of setting up the computer.

  • still_in74
    The witlesses are being drained of cash before they can accumulate enough for a computer (and, if that $800 tax rebate does come through, most of them are going to put it all into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund or into expenses that come with the field misery).

    For instance, though I strongly believed that the Watchtower Society and Jehovah were exploiting humans to do the dirty work, it took a Google search to confirm it. I didn't even have a computer until July 2006, and until then, I could neither confirm nor spread my doubts. Now, I bet that with the no-college and the heavy emphasis on donating more to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund, people are going to be unable to afford the $500 or so on a computer.

    Plus, it takes time to learn to operate one. I was online within three hours of getting the computer out of the box. Not everyone is able to figure it out that quickly. Most people will spend a whole day just trying to assemble the damn thing, and that is a day that is "stolen" from Jehovah and that should have been wasted "saving" lives. And most people are going to take at least a week (at least most people that are witlesses) before they are able to navigate the Internet. Even the three hours I spent could have "saved" 180 lives had I been out in field circus instead of setting up the computer.

    you know WTW, its comments like this validate claims that all apostates are vindictive liars. Where do you come up with stuff like this? there is nothing here you can substantiate to any degree. You only make yourself look hateful and foolish... sorry but its the "truth"

  • isnrblog

    Most Witnesses have as much access to computers and the internet as the average person. Learnign how to use a computer is not that difficult and most school kids have been taught the basics for the last 10 years.

    You can also get access in any library, your friends house, lots of places.

    As a kid in the 50's and 60's, I had the best collection of nudie magazines in the neighborhood. I kept them in a tree house way at the back of our property. In fact, I stole most of them, as usually the store would not sell to a kid.

    People will find a way.

  • freeme

    this much info has a downside. jws (and i was) are trained that much critics and "lies" about the society is proof that it is the truth. lol. its the a fulfillment of 1st century prophecy, ya know?

    i remember being disgusted from apostate sites at first (and some of them are really crazy...) and saw the anger some ppl have as a proof that im right and i dont need to look further into such stupid stuff.

    for me it took the time until i developed my own doubts AND found the courage to really search whether im alone with this doubts. forums were my idea and i was right.

  • nomoreguilt

    still_in74....My guess would be that you just don't have a sense of humour.

    WTW....Good analogy my friend.

    still_in74..... Considering your moniker, your still being IN, like most and I DO MEAN MOST JW's, You have no sense of satirical humour. Put a big "L" in the middle of your forehead.

    WTW.... I guess I just couldn't help myself. LMAO


  • hubert
    It seems that many Jehovah's Witnesses are not so sure about "The Truth"

    I hope you're right, and I love your post.


  • jwfacts

    There are several steps to overcoming mind control. Recognising the WTS to be wrong is a good step in the right direction, but there are harder ones to come. These are the thought stopping techniques the Watchtower uses - "where else would I go?" Most Witnesses I talk to resort to this statement. And then there is the inbuilt fear of leaving. I do not expect any mass exodus, but certainly the education the internet provides will quicken the pace of leavers and have an even great affect preventing new ones entering the cult.


  • sspo

    It might take decades for the watchtower to lose its grip on its members.

    Very few leave due to doubts,the majority still strongly beleive it's the only truth and only organization that God is using.

    The doctrine of living on earth is more desirable and makes more sense than floating in heaven.

    There is always a new supply of converts(not from the field) but young ones being born and becoming publishers for a few years.

    Only the GB can break up the Watchtower if they would be humble enough to admit they are full of crap and their teachings are not bible based.

    It happened to the worldwide church of god, led by Armstrong, once he died, it fell apart and even then many hung on to his teachings.

    Mormons and Seven Day Adventist also considered a sect or cult continue to prosper.

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