Wow, I feel like an impulsive ass...

by Mincan 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • sf


    Mincan clearly is not the parent of such a child. He IS the child. He cannot understand. Just as we, as their parents, could never really comprehend the 'madness' they were suffering. It's clear he didn't read YOUR pain in your heartfelt post. May he go in peace with that.

    I KNOW what it was like. Your post touched me.

    {{{ a warm hug for you...and your dog too!! }}

    Research what these 'meth' drugs do to your heart, in the long run {especially the prescribed ones}. And you won't even know it until it is too late.


  • AGuest

    Hey, girl... peace to you!

    Thank you for "hearing" me. I am truly saddened that there are those who think I either judged or condemned Mincan. Of course, I did not. I simply tried to warn him. I am also flabbergasted at the people here who should KNOW better, even if they haven't experienced what I did or anything similar. I am totally amazed that ANYONE here that is over 30 would tell a 21-year-old young man that it's okay to do what he's doing. I would have to hope that NONE of them are parents. Those who responded, but who have absolutely NO IDEA what this kind of conduct can eventually do to a person... and, potentially, to others... and yet, say, "Hey, go for it, man"... are being completely irresponsible. The underlying "selfishness" just blows my mind, truly.

    Mincan - I am sorry, if the truth "hurt." More often than not, it does. Unfortunately, most of us here live in a "world" (i.e., culture and country) that does everything it possibly can to minimize pain... if not absolutely do away with it. I get how that can be good - pain sucks; I get it. However, life... is often painful... and sometimes for good reason. Pain is an alarm that says, "Something's wrong." Covering the pain doesn't always eliminate the "wrong," however; the better "remedy" is to identify the wrong... and deal with THAT.

    One area for you might be getting past having to "please" everyone... anyone... and therefore considering yourself a "failure" when you perceive that you aren't pleasing... someone/everyone. Okay, so you're not "doing anything with" your life... right now. The TRUTH is that if that's YOUR life plan, then YOU need to go on and just accept that. YOU need to be "okay" with that. If it is NOT your life plan, then you should accept that it is NOT, that eventually you WILL get to your "plan," whatever it may be... and be "okay" with that.

    If, however, your current situation is the result of your concern about what OTHERS think of you... and you are now having to self-medicate just to deal with that... then you are, in fact, on a very slippery slope. Because the TRUTH is that SOME people are NEVER going to think well of you... or what you do... no matter WHAT you do. And if you need to take a pill whenever that occurs... well, I think you understand. YOU have to accept you. YOU do.

    Aphrodite - You are way off. Way. I in no way condemned Mincan. What I told him was truth: if he wants to take a path that can lead to self-destruction, then he should do it on his own, without dragging others into it.

    Cheering Squad - Shame on you. That we live in a "world" that tells us WE don't have to deal with ANY kind of pain... is probably going to contribute more to our demise than anything else. "Skin in behalf of skin" and ALL that a man has he WILL give to save his [physical body]."

    I bid you all peace... and a bit more common sense and [true] compassion.

    A slave of Christ,


  • Aphrodite

    Truth/untruth, you have very black and white thinking. You strike me as a very judgemental person for all your sugar coating.

  • Mincan
    Those who responded, but who have absolutely NO IDEA what this kind of conduct can eventually do to a person... and, potentially, to others... and yet, say, "Hey, go for it, man"... are being completely irresponsible. The underlying "selfishness" just blows my mind, truly.

    Mincan - I am sorry, if the truth "hurt." More often than not, it does. Unfortunately, most of us here live in a "world" (i.e., culture and country) that does everything it possibly can to minimize pain... if not absolutely do away with it. I get how that can be good - pain sucks; I get it. However, life... is often painful... and sometimes for good reason. Pain is an alarm that says, "Something's wrong." Covering the pain doesn't always eliminate the "wrong," however; the better "remedy" is to identify the wrong... and deal with THAT.

    What do you say to ADHD people that never abuse their medications? And because of them NOW lead happy productive lives. You fail to realise that I took these pills in the way they would be prescribed to me. I didn't snort them, chew them, or do anything a doctor prescribing them would tell me not to. I think you are irresponsible for suggesting things against this, you think like some Christians, who would rather do away with the tools to solve the pain and suffering rather than getting rid of the pain in the first place.

    Also, you contradict themselves. You say that I should find the underlying "wrong" and then "deal with that". So I now what my underlying condition is, and I'm trying to deal with it, so how am I not doing what you feel I should be?

  • frankiespeakin


    If you click on Aguest thread posting (click this), and you will see that being dogmatic is her stock and trade, it is usually about bible related things as she claims God speaks to her and she repeats these inspired messages to board members with all the certain dogmatism as the Word Of God, so you can take it with a grain of salt when she speaks as one in the know.

  • AGuest

    (Peace to you all)

    I now get what folks are trying to say (I probably should’a had a V8!) - it’s “just like” this:

    Jimmie is a Type-II diabetic. From time to time he attends a Diabetes Control group for support and information. Phil, another Type-II diabetic, also attends the group. Both men have been prescribed several medications for their condition, primarily in pill form. Jimmie is currently on Avandia, but he has been prescribed and taken Glyburide (which caused him to experience severe hyperglycemia which landed him in the emergency room a couple times), Glucophage-Metphormin (which didn’t really help him gain control of his glucose levels at all), and Actos (which he refused due to the side effect of “severe liver toxicity”). He is concerned because he believes he is now experiencing one of the primary “side effects” of Avandia, “severe chest pain” (he is aware not only of the side effects of these medications, but their chemical composition as well because Jimmie is not a complete dummy and so he “looks things up”).

    Having experienced some of the same things that Jimmie is, Phil just recently started taking insulin; this is unknown to pretty much everyone, however, including his doctor, because Phil got it from his uncle, Ted, who is also a Type-II diabetic. Not that Phil is hiding anything – he just considers it a personal matter and what folks don’t know won’t hurt them.

    One night, Jimmie and Phil were talking on the phone about their frustration with diabetes: the control it takes on their lives, how they have to eat pretty much the same things at pretty much the same times… how they have to stick pins in their fingers… 4-6 times daywhich hurts like hell… the other various “nerve” pain and associated numbness… the loss of feeling in digits and extremities… the internal pain… the fact that NO ONE UNDERSTANDS… AND THINKS THEY SHOULD “JUST GET IT UNDER CONTROL.” And now Phil is concerned that his eyesight is fading. They HATE this disease and can’t wait for “someone” to find a cure! Yes, this diabetes is some pretty crappy stuff!

    Jimmie makes the comment that he is concerned because he has been experiencing chest pains and it was recently announced on the news that Avandia caused heart attacks! As a result, Phil confesses to Jim that he, too, was concerned about the medicines he had been taking, that some didn’t even work, and that after getting frustrated and fed up, he got some leftover insulin and a couple syringes from Uncle Ted and has been using that. “I’m not cured,” Phil told Jim, “And my blood sugar’s not completely under control – I haven’t learned how to adjust it just right, yet. But more often than not I FEEL better!”

    “Really?” said Jimmie. “Do you think it’ll work for me?”

    “Well,” Phil told him, “Why don’t you come on over and find out?”

    Not being a total idiot, Jimmie decides he’d better look up insulin and check out its side effects, too. The information he finds tells him that insulin pretty much has NO side effects, save the risks of hyperglycemia, diabetic coma, and death. He thinks, “Well, as long as I take it as prescribed, I should be okay,” and high-tails it over to Phil’s. Once there, Phil gives him the “dose” he (Phil) takes (which is the dose prescribed for Uncle Ted). Not only does Jimmie not go into a coma, he actually does feel better!

    Voila! There you go – I totally get it: under these circumstances (i.e., no one died), it’s perfectly okay for Jimmie to take Uncle Ted’s insulin to help him with his (Jim’s) diabetes!! DUH, Shelby!

    Dear ones, I am not judging Mincan or anyone. He can and will do whatever he wishes. He asked “What do you think?” Given what I know about situations like this, I told him what I thought. To is own “master,” however, he will stand… or fall. If he stands, I will REJOICE with him (as I would with the person who has their ADHD under control… however that occurs, including using their own meds). If he falls, I won’t “dance”… rather, I will mourn with him if that is appropriate. Either way, my love will not fail.

    IMHO, however, it WOULD be a “failure” of that love if I, knowing what the end result potentially and more likely than not will be in a situation like this, sit silently by and say nothing… or, even worse, cheer him on to a path that could result in self-destruction. That there is opposition is irrelevant – there usually is when someone speaks truth.

    With that said, I am going to remove myself from this discussion. I said what I had to say. And please note that what I said was on my own, without guidance from holy spirit, as this is a thread that my Lord would not have entwined himself in (for obvious reasons, including the fact that he has WAY more “common sense” than I do).

    I bid you all peace.

    A slave of Christ,

    SA, who wonders just how many here have actually attended an Al-Anon or NA meeting, and heard the family/loved ones point of view (true, Skall, Mincan is the child now… but perhaps one day...)

  • Mincan

    I thank you for your warning of escalating doses, which sometimes happen with tolerance, remember tolerance isn't the same as addiction please, simply your body used to the effects of the medication and adjusting, so to some it may appear the person is taking more for no reason, doctor's frequently ask you if you feel less effect and will raise your prescription accordingly. It's pretty obvious when someone is raising their dose on their own when they go to the doctor frequently, i.e. "lost" their pills, flushed them down the toilet by accident, dog ate them, lost the script, etc. AGuest, I will take it to heart.

    I also thank you for stating that you believe that if they do work they should be used.

    I'm not worrying about it anymore, it doesn't make me anxious. I am going to tell my doctor how I tried them, what they did, and see what he thinks. If he says no, no big deal, I'll just deal with it, at least I'm on something that aleviates some of my symptoms. He will not say no though, because he wants to help me. That's about all I want to say about it anymore. I don't care now what anyone else thinks or judges about me. That was the purpose of this thread I've come to realise. I've dealt with the opinions of both sides now, and understand where they come from.

    I'm learning in my psychoeducational group that if someone accuses you of something that is not true, there is no reason to be upset.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee
    I am not a deviant, I'm not a drug seeker, I'm not a druggie. I'm not a cokehead, I'm not an angry, selfish, wired methhead. This is what they want me to feel I am.

    No, you are NONE of those things! I know you aren't!

    I'm glad you are going to tell your doctor what you took. Like I told you, he'll give you a lecture about not taking somebody else's medication (but who here hasn't at one time or another?), and hopefully see the good it has done for you, give you a prescription and monitor you while you are on them.

    Let us know what happens at your next appointment.


  • Mincan

    Let us know what happens at your next appointment.

    Will do

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