My Dachshund Dog is acting strange

by Undecided 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    My wife bought a little rubber toy that makes a sound when you squeeze it. It sort of looks like a small puppy. Normally my little dog will play with these toys, bite them and make them squeel, throw them around the floor, but this one is different to her. She thinks it's a real puppy and picks it up real gently and takes it to her bed and lays with it. When she lays in my lap she brings it with her. She whines to it and doesn't act normal. It's really strange and kind of funny to watch her react with it. I wonder what made her react this way. She smells it and licks it sometimes, I really wonder what she thinks it is.

    Maybe it's demon possessed. Of course it was made in China.

    Ken P.

  • noni1974

    Awwwww She thinks it's her baby.My cat does the same thing with a small Tigger toy.Carrys it around mornfully moaning like she's sad or something.She licks it and takes care of it.Weird.

  • Satanus

    It's a chinese plot to enslave us through our pets ;) Seriously though, interesting.


  • erynw

    I had a male cat that did that with a small suede mouse.

    Would carry it around and cry.

    He would bring it to me and drop it at my feet like it was a kill.

    I'd throw it and he'd run after it and bring it back to me.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    Is she spayed? If not was she in season about 9 weeks before you gave her the toy? I've seen this before with false pregnancies.

  • talley

    I go along with Deputy Dog's line of thinking on this; she is definitely "mothering" that toy.

    Spayed or not, I think it best to remove the toy from her as there is a strong possibility that she may soon begin to produce milk for the 'pup'. Which would add more stress to her already triggered hormones and the possibility of mastitice because of milk engorged breasts with no relief.

  • LouBelle

    Aww little Dachshunds are sooooooo cute. We have one and she does that with a tiny little red teddy bear we gave her (the thing is so tatty but she loves it)

    Our miniture dachshunds Sara is preggies - man her lil tummy is just too gorgeous for words

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Removing the toy won't stop the production of milk. That comes (not always) with the false pregnancy. But be aware, she could begin to protect her toy if she thinks it's being threatened.

  • tinker

    I don't know much about dog behavior so I won't advise. I was just wondering if it is acceptable to refer to a Dachshund as a Weiner Dog? I do not have a dog because of time but I love this breed. I love all dogs really but cats need less care so we have 2 Siamese. They are very entertaining and also get attached to certain toys. Our younger girl carries practice golf balls around and hides them everywhere. She almost always has some toy in her mouth, sometimes for the 'kill' sometimes it seems she is nurturing it ??? who knows.

  • Gregor

    Our male chihuahua has a ratty little stuffed cat that he has chewed the nose off of and he searches it out and takes it to bed with him every evening. He rests his chin on it like a pillow and falls asleep.

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