Blood Type

by Christina77 28 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Christina77

    Is it normal for those that refuse blood to not know their blood type? That is usually one of the first things that the hospital lets parents know about their kids and when you go for any blood work it is on the top of the sheet. I have a very rare blood type and I questioned my boyfriend about his for future knowlege when we have kids. If I don't know his type, I will have to be a human pin cusion so that my child won't die from blood poisoning. He refuses to find out and I don't want to know when it is too late... I had to go through it with my first pregnancy since my ex was too chicken to get the test done. I am just curious to find out if this is a common practice and if there are people out there that actually know what theirs happens to be even if they have no intent on using it.


  • closer2fine

    Are you RH- ?


  • Christina77

    even worse O-

  • Billygoat

    O- is not rare.

  • closer2fine

    Even if your partner is RH-, they still recommend having the RhoGam shots (once during pregnancy, and once within 72 hours of the baby being born)


  • Christina77

    I know what the procedure is since I have been through it before, and yes it is rare... I have a medical degree so I know all the info, thanks for adding it though... I am just curious if it is normal for him not knowing his...


  • closer2fine

    My hubby doesn't know his blood type. He wasn't a JW. I asked his mom if she knew & she didn't.

    I told him to go give blood, they'll tell him.

    I didn't mean to come off like I was talking down to you. I just didn't know how much you knew & was trying to be helpful.


  • Christina77

    Closer2fine -

    I am sorry that you felt that way, I hate that you really can't figure out emotions without using those symbols... I just hate the fact that I have to be a pincusion and I loath having to go through that again.

    My boyfriend is such a hypocrite when it comes to things about his beliefs and doesn't let me in on his little world. I am just looking for some info that will give me some ammunition when we DO talk. He has gone for at least 3 blood tests since we have been dating and keeps forgetting to ask.... sure.... right... it doesn't hurt to ask. I am just so frustrated and fed up with his crap... and I want to know if this is a common occurance... and he would never go give blood... it is as if that is just as bad as getting it himself... he didn't even like the fact that I was looking to donate blood!

    Thanks again for all your help

  • Satanus


    As long as he's a jw this is likely not going to go better for your relationship. If there is a kid, it will be worse. You already see that he is a hypocrite. This conflict will start to bring you down too, after a while. How much are you willing to suffer for a guy who may not be the guy you are in love with?


  • Christina77

    When he isn't acting like one, doing anything for them, discussing anything etc... My boyfriend is very pleasent... just when anything is brought up (usually by me) he gets weird on me as if he is afraid of giving me the answer or finding it out for himself... I have no problem with his beliefs and I respect that... I just wish that he didn't clam up and not want to find things out that I need to know... and these are things that I must know before we get married, or else I will not be able to be by his side... and he needs to respect the info that I must find out... I really don't even see how he fits in or how he can be with me in the first place, so I am just trying to figure out things on my own to benifit our relationship and better understand him. I need to know if certain things are just him or things that are practiced by the whole community.


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