Watch a mind controlled cult member, Tom Cruise on Scientology

by Layla33 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Layla33

    Catch it, it's some wild stuff, like watching a bethelite after a talk. Ugh!

  • AudeSapere

    WOW! What an unbelievably in-articulate person.

    I had no idea he was that bad without a professionally written script.

    I really *am* surprised.


  • JWdaughter

    Guys, I don't think he sounded any less articulate than any other person talking about something like religion or a great business idea or trying to describe something meaningful to them. Yeah, he has his own language going on there:), but you listen to someone describing when they got saved, or when they met their teen idol, or their spouse or saw sasquatch. . . same thing. Unfortunately, he sounded about as articulate as most people I know. And about as sensible. Personally I think deeply held belief systems should probably always simply BE deeply held, VERY deeply held:)

  • Black Sheep
  • DocBob

    Just plain CREEPY!

  • Aphrodite

    Its creepy. Tom Cruise IS creepy.

  • poppers

    I agree with JWdaughter. The fact that his beliefs are so bizarre make his ramblings seem so incredibly laughable.

  • Maddie

    Tom Cruise looked and sounded demented! I found the video very bizarre and scarey to be honest. His eyes had a starey wild look and his laugh was hysterical. Nothing he said made any sense either.


  • Amber Rose
    Amber Rose

    I didn't really find it creepy, just awful. If you are going to spend the money to make a video and hire Tom Cruise at least tell him to use more types of words other that pronouns. He really didn't say anything at all. It was ten minutes of him saying "I have to help them. We have to do things. We are the only ones that can change it. It won't get better without us". What is "it", who are "them", what is your plan? But I guess that is how to make an effective pep-talk video. Leave it up to the individual to fill in the blanks - makes it one size fits all. Obviously this wasn't a recruitment video.

  • Satanus

    Seeing all these interesting reviews of the video, i'm gonna watch it.


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