May I offer a different experience? I was not raised in the cult.
My dad was an alcoholic and I was molested as a child by two family members. I never felt connected to many people growing up. It wasn't until I began my Bible study that I felt as good as everybody else because I was just as important to God as anyone was.
Now, I wouldn't worship the God of the Bible even if I believed in him but I owe my self-confidence to Jehovah's Witnesses. The love bombing actually made me appreciate myself a bit.
I am glad I left for 10 years because that is really when I began to find myself. I went back 6 years ago and knew something wasn't right. I've been gone now for 7 months. My self confidence is high even though I have my bad days from time to time. I never meet a stranger.
If it wasn't for that experience I may have never gotten past my childhood.
I can't imagine being raised in the cult and how bad that messes up your self esteem and ability to assimilate into "the world" and live a normal life. I raised my kids that way and they know. I've been able to forgive everyone in my life who has treated me badly, except the WTS and I never will.
I hate those evil bastards and your posts are one of the biggest reasons why.
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