Control religion

by garybuss 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • garybuss

    Control religion and you control the people. The way to control religion is to control the sacred writings. The easiest way to control the sacred writings is to write the sacred writings and declare them inspired or divinely directed. Control the writings = control religion = control the people. Interestingly to control the people is to control their assets and their assets can all be reduced to money. So to control the sacred writings is to control the money :-) Slick huh?


  • JT

    you are my kind of man

    you understand the bottom line- all religion is about control- the only thing that separates one from the other is the DEGREE OF CONTROL



  • MegaDude

    As I would like to be accustomed to extreme wealth, I will be publishing new "divinely inspired writings" straight from God himself soon. I plan on releasing "BIBLE II--THE BOOK OF MEGADUDE" and will be establishing churches as fast as possible. I am selling franchises if you're interested. Those who get in early will make the real dough! LOL...

    "The God that comes before skepticism may bear little resemblence to the God that comes after."

    M. Scott Peck (The Road Less Traveled)

  • garybuss

    Thanks James

    Another interesting thing I have observed is control by offer of resolution. If religion wants to control a neurotic, they just find out what that the fears are and offer solutions. Example: fear of financial insecurity - the guru simply promises a soon to arrive new world where the worthy will be rich. To be seen as <worthy> a disciple serves the guru now. Service translates to book purchases, donations, and free labor on building projects the guru holds title to.

    A big offer of resolution is the offer of justice. The guru learns the disciple's resentments and shows the disciple how the focus of her resentment will be killed at Armageddon by the same deity using the guru as a channeler. If the disciple is faithful to the teachings of the guru she will get to prevail over those she resents. She works for the guru for the promise of revenge.

    Many work for free for their guru to quiet their fears of the reality of death (mortality). If the disciple works hard enough, long enough and ignores enough errors and failures and abuses she will survive Armageddon and live in happiness forever without ever dying (immortality).

    It is easy to see why disciples have a difficult time thinking about looking for a replacement when they consider leaving their guru's group. They are trying to replace a guru with direct access to the deity and they are trying to replace a promise of revenge, wealth, power, prestige, health, happiness, and immortality.

    They are forced to look at another guru group as a replacement because no respectable group makes all those promises. A few are forced to look at reality.

  • TR

    Interesting subject.

    Joseph Smith claimed he received holy writings from God. Why can't we do the same? Look at the Mormon church now!


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • Sirona

    Hi Garybuss,

    Yeah, religion can be used to control. Does that mean we should reject ALL religion? NO, in my opinion.

    My beliefs are "religious", but Im not part of a church. If I was part of a church, I would choose one that does not infringe on peoples rights e.g. freedom of speech, but of course I would respect that church's teachings IF I wanted to be a member.

    As it stands, I can be religious and not attend a church. The religion affects my life and I think it enhances my life, but it doesnt control me.


    all religion is about control- the only thing that separates one from the other is the DEGREE OF CONTROL

    Correction, some religion has aspects of control by those who would abuse their position. To make such a sweeping generalisation is bulls**t.


  • CPiolo


    Good point and an interesting topic. What you are talking about can be applied to things other than religion, i.e. politics, as well.


    Joseph Smith claimed he received holy writings from God. Why can't we do the same? Look at the Mormon church now!

    C.T. Russell saved himself a lot of work by claiming to be the only one capable of interpreting already written holy works. The Watchtower, as an organization, carries on the tradition. Although what both Charlie and the WT have written far exceeds what they claim to "imperfectly," solely and uniquely interpret.

    This may be a more successful technique because people only have to accept a new viewpoint/perspective about that with which they are already familiar and comfortable with. In contrast, with groups like the Mormons and others who have totally new belief systems, new adherents must leave behind the familiar and accept a completely new belief system, leaving behind the safety and comfort of the familiar.


  • Mum

    Hi, Gary. I remember a psychology professor pointing out that controlling a person's environment 24 hours a day makes that person a slave both mentally and physically.

    The JW's do a good job of keeping their adherents so occupied with busy work and preparation for same that I marvel at the miracle of all of us here who managed to find time to start thinking and take positive action to end the repression.

    Congratulations to all who are free!

  • JT


    Correction, some religion has aspects of control by those who would abuse their position. To make such a sweeping generalisation is bulls**t.


    Could you share with us a religion that does not have some form of control over it's members-


  • JT

    this comment is very interesting:

    "The religion affects my life and I think it enhances my life, but it doesnt control me."


    could not this same statement be made by anyone- I have yet to meet anyone who out right states MY RELIGION CONTROLS MY LIFE

    like this poster they too feel it only ENHANCES THIER LIFE

    AND They too like this post respond by saying "it doesnt control me."

    as jw we said it all the time-

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