Having a guilty conscience and maybe I should go back to JW

by hambeak 62 Replies latest jw experiences

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Dear Hambeek,

    If you are looking for some thoughtful advice, my advice to you would be to not return - despite the urges that you may feel.

    The teachings of the WT do not accurately reflect the teachings of the bible, and most importantly do not jive with common human decency. There is so much love in this world amongst humanity that you really need to discover. The love amongst JWs is counterfeit love.

    An honest, open minded evaluation of the teachings and the culture of the JW religion/cult is what you need to do. If you can do that you will find the answers you need.

    May peace be with you,

    The Oracle

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident


    If within a few months, so many will be leaving this board that Simon might as well shut er down, why don't you get a head start on getting out of Babylon the Great before it falls and quit touching the unclean thing before it is too late?

    Just suggesting that's all.


    ps; See the logic of what you would be returning to Hambeak? Like a dog returning to its vomit! ( I can twist scripture just as well as any JW!)

  • Abandoned
    Hambeak: In about 2 months you will have a lot of company from others on this board. I wouldn't be surprised if Simon shuts this board down himself. So get a head start. Go back to the meetings. Put your life style on hold.

    I can't foretell the future, yet I have more than an inkling that Saturday is going to follow Friday and Sunday's going to follow that. In that same vein, I won't ever set foot, willingly, into a kingdom hall again.

  • proplog2

    Journey: You said: "You can waste an entire lifetime following after these men thinking you're doing it for God." OR.... you can simply waste an entire lifetime just thinking.

  • outofthebox


  • heathen

    You mean to say you are willing to swallow their BS about the generation dogma or the blood dogma ?I don't think I could get past the six month bible study myself , you are going to be shunned for six months if you are an ex. I can see if you have family in but they are the ones putting conditions on their love , the cult has them brainwashed to pretend you don't exist. I can say like you did that there are things I still agree with that they have said such as no cross in worship , christmas is not christian,there is no trinity . Stuff like that makes sense to me but they want to control your every thought and action .

  • FlyingHighNow

    Call around and find an Episcopal Church who is liberal on the gay issues. I go to one and it's a beautiful, soulful congregation. Very spiritual. Don't go back. It's only going to make you more lost and depressed.

  • prophecor

    Darn, He really left, too.

  • jayhawk1


    Since It's Damned if you do and Damed if you don't....I think you should go back.

    Well said. I can't agree more.

  • R.Crusoe

    Hi, -your position is a natural one if you genuinely have left, Some are in a state of spiritual hypnosis for many years, even decades - knowing it is fundamentally flawed but at the same time finding no alternative which helps or releases them spiritually.

    It is part of them standing in the nucleus of family ineractions like some body influencing all your responses to friends/family whilst at the same time influencing any of those from family/ friends towards you. And if your family are not JWs you have already been polarised beyond their orbit so that any communications are similarly detached. WT know this from many generations of trial and error psychology!

    They used it on me saying children will be disobedient to parents so that I will blame it all on them and stick to their rules. They use it on my children when I did not go saying those who fade are not following the will of God and do not have His protection so my childrens minds are in conflict with my position as well as thier own. And they then know that having parents and children not fully synchronised will leave each feeling isolated and the idea is they come back to a common body of clones sitting for hours looking up scriptures they have done countless times already for the sake of shares in the afterlife because this one has been dysfuncyionalised. But if you go out looking for fun times - and why is that so wrong for any human who is human?? - you have fallen away from God so your only escape is to sit at meetings looking up scripture!! It will soon be Jehovasmass and he will come down your chimney so save yourself for then.


    This link has shorter exerpts on you tube if you don't like the whole 90mins. This guy is true in what he says about himself being declared a pope so he can make others into popes. JW thinking is similar !

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