by deaconbluez 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • chickpea

    too d@mn funny!!!

    i got lured in by the subject, took the bait and was livid at the presumption yada yada..... for about 5 seconds!!!

    hilarious!!! love your style

  • Mincan

    Swallow our pride instead of illegal drugs, genius bro!

  • saywhat29


    Oh god, what really got me is next week Issues: "Bees!"

    I always loved how the Faithful and Discreet Slave would sanddwish such informative articles inbetween all the crap. Plus it would be random as hell.

    One moment you are learning about Jonah and how he survived in the belly of a shark and next you are reading about the malaysian Beetle that spins silk for blind children, wit some scriptures thrown in to blend scienceseses and the biblez.

  • JeffT

    Dear Watchtower answer man,

    I just read the very informative and helpful questions from readers in the latest rag I mean magazine and I need some help. I've been out since 1988 and my sex life didn't get all that wild. Since "Mother" knows everything I hoping you can give me some pointers on attracting loose women.

    I've had all the drugs I need for right now.

    Thank you.

  • sweetface2233

    I heart deacon

  • bluesapphire

    Shucks. I can't see anything. Can you send it again?

  • SacrificialLoon
  • deaconbluez

    Here is the link for those that can't see it:

  • inkling

    ROTFL!!! This is your best in awhile


  • isnrblog

    This is completely unbelievable. I am not doubting you, but I will confirm this with some of my JW moles.

    If this is legit, it is further proof of what pieces of s**t the Watchtower Society is.
    How can anyone make such a broad statement?

    I am disfellowshiped and have what they would call an apostate blog, I am and always have been completely faithful to my wife, whom I married after I left the Witnesses. I was sexually promiscuous when I was a Witness.

    I do smoke the occasional joint, though rarely. I have smoked pot since I was 16. I smoked when I was an elder. I drink socially and always have. I am in a profession that if I was a liar or dishonest, I would lose my livelyhood and could got to jail. I am ethical and honest.

    I have had the occasion to employ Witnesses in differant business ventures and they have lied and stolen from me. In fact, over the years i have fired 16 individual Witnesses for stealing. More for other things like not showing up for work, etc.

    Honestly, this is a hoot. What arrogant a**holes.

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