Bible Study Student With A Ton of Questions

by AddaGirl 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • skeeter1

    The blood issue should be coming need to prepare. Have you read "Jehovah's Witnesses, Blood Transfusions, and the Tort of Misrepresentation."

    It goes through the JW blood doctrine & the brochure "How Can Blood Save Your Life?" It shows how the Society misquotes doctors, scientists, & historians. It has the Society's quote & then the actual quote from the secular writer. It also shows the nonsense of the current "fraction" policy.

    The concept that you can sue the Watchtower for its blood policy just won in Canada's 2nd highest court - Alberta Appeals Court in "Hughes v. Brady" . There, the Watchtower convinced a teenager to try arsenic as a viable bloodless technique. You can read about it at - just type in Hughes v. Brady in the search page.

    You can order a copy of "Jehovah's Witnesses, Blood Transfusions, and the Tort of Misrepresentation" for $4 from the Journal of Church & State. This is a Legal Journal, that is "peer reviewed". (This means that generally lawyers & law professors submit articles to it, and then other lawyers/law professors review it). It's the cream of the crop, as far as legal journals for church/state relations. It's so powerful, that the Watchtower's own legal department has printed articles in it discussing various JW cases.
    Go to the Publication Order Form.

    You should also look at

    Happy reading.


  • Farkel

    : When I inquired to my teacher the things I was finding, she would not look at them, reiterited that I should not have gone looking on the internet for information, that it is all apostate and I should trust in the teachings of the Bible and Watchtower.

    Cult, cult, cult. Why would anyone claiming to have the ONLY truth, be afraid of someone who wants to verfy that claim? If they really have "truth" what problem would they have with someone who wants to check it out? Answer: Cult, cult, cult.

    Simple. I was there for decades. I know this. "Run Forrest, RUN!" Trust me.


  • Chalam

    Welcome AddaGirl,
    Make sure you check this post and download the book.

    Looks like essential reading if you want to understand why the JWs really aren't going to show you any truths from the Bible or about God.

    All the best,

  • Farkel

    Merry Magdalene,

    Do you think God wanted you to hide your beautiful hair? If so, why so? Do you think Islam is a peaceful religion? If so, why so? I can cite hundreds and hundreds years of Muslim hate and murders and massacres in the past. Not to mention Muslim conquests in the past (Ottomans to name just one, which was only the sister of the equally bloody Christian Crusades.)

    I challenge you to:

    1) Show that Mohammad (however it is spelled) was a man of peace and love. Be sure and include his own life example, murders, wars, etc. in your answer.

    2) Show that modern day Islam is a religion of peace. Be sure and include those VAST (hayhahahahahahahahahahaha) Muslims in the USA who condemned the 9/11 bad guys in their mosques and especially in their vocal opposition to that tragedy.

    3) Show us all where "moderate" Muslims (if that is even true) are massively mounting a campaign against bin Laden and his psycho agenda. (Nary a wimper from the fucking 1.3 BIIion freaking muslins so far!)

    4) Get another religion. Your religion is a violent, psychotic piece of idiotic shit. And then you might be allowed to show your hair and get out of the dark ages. Extra perks for doing that: you won't get whipped and put in prison when a bunch of neanderthal Muslim men gang rape you, and then go out for a beer after that. You won't get murdered if your daddy suspects you are seeing and being with a man HE (fuck him) doesn't think YOU have the right to see.

    Dark ages religion, that Islam shit.


  • AddaGirl

    My God.....I did not expect a response like this.


    The 1972 info actually came from a course being presented to the UN on how to gather statistics on International organizations. Comparative Evaluation of Different Types of International Organization

    Table 3 NGOs in order of countries represented shows Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society 207 countries, 1,600,000 members in position #2

    Table 5 Overall Ranking of Loading NGOs shows the same name and statistics in position #13

    and actually can be found on the same website that lists the 20 NGOs that have been registered by the Jehovah Witnesses Religion ist ein Gimelfang. Site has been translated into English

    These 2 sites are quite interesting.


  • beksbks

    Adda, I apologize if we come on strong :-) But many of us have wasted years of our lives, and lost numerous friends and family in this cult. It's as if we are trying to hold back your raft, as you head for the falls.

  • freydi

    The adversary creates a decoy that will prevent the final sealing of the 144,000. But YHWH uses it as a dragnet.

  • Merry Magdalene
    Merry Magdalene

    Merry Magdalene,

    Do you think God wanted...

    Huh, Farkel?!? All I said was *mumble mumble mumble* Alan Feuerbacher *mumble mumble mumble*, thinking it might be a helpful addition to this thread...and you jump on me for covering my hair? LOL How 'bout I give you a shout out on another thread where such a discussion might be more appropriate and less intrusive?

    I'm really glad you are here, AddaGirl. What an interesting thread. When I first started learning what others here already knew, it was a little hard to take it all in but impossible to stop. Hope you are able to pace yourself and receive much good from it.


  • inkling
    Get another religion. Your religion is a violent, psychotic piece of idiotic shit.

    Farkel, what the hell? That whole post directed to Merry Magdalene was not only off-topic and uncalled for, but was obnoxious and rude while at the same time completely lacking in even a shred of insight or reasonable argumentation!

    Feel free to rant about Islam and spew hatred all you want if you can find people to listen to you, but please keep it out of this thread.


  • justhuman

    It seems that you are a person that like to search and that is good. Once you will enter the WT world you will not allowed to search besides WT's books and for sure not the old ones because the old books are apostatic material. Find some of this books on the net and show them to your Bible teachers!!!

    You will find pyramidology, occult, false prophesies that the end will be in 1914, Jesus invisible coming 1874, the resurection of the ancient prophets in 1925 and the start of armageddon, then the end it will be in 1942, in 1975, the generation that was born in 1914 will see the end...

    Please have a good search regarding WATCHTOWER. Ask us that we know how it was there. You don't have to put your self into this forum there are people who lost their families due to WT's policy, either it was blood transfussion, or organ transplants. Some their children they don't speak to them because they do not believe WT anymore, and they suffer due to the shunning policy, like my self.

    Please feel free to send me a message and I will tell you my story. Besides there are many books like "Crisis of Conscious" by Ray Franz an ex - Governing Body member.

    WT is taking the place of Jesus,and this is blasphemy. The Christian religion must not do that. The Church must leading you to Jesus. And this what many of ex-jw's are telling. They might belong to a diiferent Churches, (I'm now a Christian Orthodox)but we are saying the same thing over and over again. WT is a cult a mind destructive cult, that is taking the place of Jesus.

    Here is a great video in google tv. Please watch it, is only one hour, put is worth it, and it will open your eyes regarding Watchtower

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