My Bethel Experience

by horrible life 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Was about 1976. Don't remember. Think it had the word Green or Three in it. We took a subway, then walked to Bethel. The rooms were very dark and very, very little. The bathroom door, was 2 feet from the foot of the bed.

  • GermanXJW

    So eight persons in this very dark and very, very little room... ;-)

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Well, yesssss.... LOL Now that you put it that way!!! That cracked me up!

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    BTTT if anyone knows anything

  • wunce_wuz

    Just recently I dug up an old photograph. A picture of me with 7 other Bethelites and three a hotel room. These girls were from down south. For some reason I am thinking Mississippi, but could very well be wrong. One of the girls was definitely under legal age and we had wine and beer with us in the room. Was an enjoyable evening of, uh, visiting.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Wunce_Wuz 32 years ago, is a very long time ago. Was there alcohol? I don't think so, but I was very naive. They could have had something, and me not know. I was definitely under legal age. I was a good little JW, and thought that my older friend of 6+ years, was a good one also. LOL She sure had everybody fooled, including me!!! But her true colors came through a year later.

    Was an enjoyable evening of, uh, visiting.

    Now with the UH in visiting, I think I would remember if any UH happened.

    But.. there was a boy in our tour group, that I met, from another cong, that I had my eyes on. NOTE: eyes only. LOL I may not have seen the UH, if it was going on. But the room WAS very small!!! LOL

    The boy I met? Went out for over a year, and took me to the prom.

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