My story

by Layla33 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Layla33

    This is my first time posting. Bear with me. I came across this site a few years ago, I never posted, I read it occasionally, some of the stories were interesting and affirming. This past week and all the situations prompted me to write my story. I may have to change a few things because anonymity about myself and my life is important.

    I was born into the JW religion. I haven't been one since I was 18 years old. I just stopped attending and then they tried to force my hand and I am sure you know the rest. Before that time because of my dysfunctional family I lived with my aunt and uncle who were very close to me. My aunt and uncle were beautiful people and I loved them very much, but after just thinking about all the explanations, changes and doctrines, lies/deciet, molestations, sexual abuse, women disfellowshipped for being raped, Elders not even sanctioned when sexually assaulting women, known pedophiles were given high posts in the congreations that I knew about first hand, I logically couldn't follow it anymore. It seemed silly that so many people were blindly following some group of elusive people from some place giving out information like the government.

    My entire family on both sides are JWs. In my family I have PO, Elders, etc. The indoctrination is so deep, that when I left, I truly had to go through a series of deprogramming within myself. The lingo, the fear, the guilt was so imbedded in me, the control of associations so deep, that it was probably the most defining parts of my life. HOWEVER, I made peace with it. For about two years or so, my family (beyond immediate) withdrew from me completely. Parents and a few siblings tried occasionally to "witness to me", but I was so adamant and honest about what I considered to be false doctrines and false dates, false prophecies, blind faith when confronted with these falsehoods, that they let it go after a while. Of course, those that had been in this blind "truth" religion for decades had a harder time and it finally came down to their love of their family member or their religion. Honestly, they loved me enough to accept me for who I am. That didn't mean they still didn't occasionally break down into the guilt, fear, "I want to see you again in the new system", I don't want you to die nonsense, but for the most part they let it go.

    However, since this entire cult has indoctrinated my entire family, when certain things happen it is brought to my main focus again. This week a beloved member of my family died. I don't think there was one member of my entire extended family that was not shaken over this event and the planning, arranging and "memorial" of my favorite aunt's death brought out a lot of issues about how this organization reminds me of the mob in some ways, a very robotic ministry with drone like thinking, to the blinded ties between family and religion.

    Forgive me, I have to write very generally. I have researched JWs, the Watcher Corporation, so I have know the real honest agenda for a while now. I guess I stopped focusing on these sites at one time because I wasn't truly an anti-JW, I didn't want my entire existence to be about reacting to them, but just living in peace away from all of that. I think it becomes hard because of the totality of how it affects my familial relations because I still love my family, when tragedy happens, it doesn't change the tragedy, and my frustration and disgust with how so much was handled and how certain members who were non-JWs or Disfellowshipped were treated really disgusted me. I find solace in coming to a place like this and venting and possibly reaching out to some of you who have been through some of the same things and have the same backgrounds.

  • free2think

    Welcome to the board Layla and thank you for sharing your story.

    Im really sorry for your loss. Have you had much support from your family during this time?

  • bikerchic

    Welcome Layla!

    I find solace in coming to a place like this and venting and possibly reaching out to some of you who have been through some of the same things and have the same backgrounds.

    That's what JWD is all about and I'm sure you'll have much to offer in the way of reaching out to others as well as being comforted now in your time of grief.

    I am truly sorry for you loss, death does cause us to question all that we've been told about it. I hope you can reformulate your belief system about death as well as you've done with other JW doctrines and it brings you peace.

  • momzcrazy

    Welcome layla!! I am sorry for your loss. There are wonderful people here. Stay awhile you'll enjoy it.


  • dogisgod

    Dearest Layla, Welcome. I don't think everyone posting here is necessarily anti-JW. I figure time and information (like the internet) will expose everything. I just can't see any one particular person trying to destroy them (other then Silent They'd just be painted as mental or disgruntled. That's how all Corporations handle whistle blowers. I do kind of wonder what the "campaign strategy" section on this site is all about. What I do understand is your grief. Being raised as JW and having family in is very much like herpes. There's no cure and it keeps popping up when you least expect it. xoxoxo

  • OnTheWayOut

    Sorry about your loss. Glad you found your own way out.

    Keep hope alive.

  • leftbelow


    I also read post for 2 years before my first post and even now I find it hard to post because of my programing and I jsut still have a lot to learn but I have learned so much from the people here (who are BTW great) it always helps to hear other story's

  • Layla33

    A lot of my family has been really great, others not so much. I feel very happy in saying that my deciding to walk away and be honest about it, gave a lot of those after me the courage to do the same. Some just quietly stopped coming and other just never got baptized, however, for the most I would say about 85% are still Witnesses. For those that believe everything emphatically, probably about 40%. I think the fact that there are many who "follow" the religion because of association with family and friends and not because of believing everything totally helped my situation.

    I have to admit it was pretty difficult sitting through the memorial service and condolescenes. Some Elders made a big stink right after my favorite aunt died that one of the siblings couldn't attend the meal and comforting afterwards and tried to force the other JW members to tell him not to come or else lose their position. It was a big ruckus with everyone but the Governing Body themselves called to deal with this nonsense. Hurt feelings and all the insane ego threatening and grand standing were of course the order of the day. Of course, I realize this isn't isolated to JW's as I have a few friends from other religions who have to deal with some of the same things, it just really bothered me.

    The entire discourse was so laced with half-truths and this indoctrination of the JW bible (the one they have revised so many times it's ridiculous), I just closed my eyes and sobbed for my loss the entire time.

    I'm pretty numb right now, still shaken because of the death of someone I loved so much, but my own personal spiritual belief gives me great comfort - nothing like what I was raised to believe. However, losing someone you love is never an easy event and it takes time to deal with it. Writing here does help.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    I'm sorry for your loss. Thank you for telling your story.

    Thank you also, for joining in, after 2 1/2 years of just watching. Doesn't it feel GOOD????

    A belated Welcome!!!!!

  • Layla33

    Thank you everyone for all your warm wishes. It has been a very traumatizing week, to say the least.

    Reading here is very interesting. I know I will come on here more and post more. I think this entire situation was a catalyst.

    It brings up a lot of situations for me, as a divorced woman, if I were to get very sick or die, would my own feelings be respected? I have some things written, but I realize now I have to really spend some time addressing my last wishes and requests and talking to a few close friends about if I should get sick or not. I haven't read too much about the whole blood thing - every other year it seems like there is a "new revelation" or some new twist, but again, I don't want any of my JW family handling any important decisions when I get sick. I worry if I don't get married again, that it would be difficult for me to maintain that, as some of my family, especially father are quite pushy.

    Thanks again, everyone.

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