CO and $$$$

by megaflower 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • megaflower

    I know that the CO recieve a small allowance from the society , plus the local cong take care of health and car insurance( which is still more than some individuals get). When the CO makes his semi annual visit to the local cong the publishers like to donate $$ to the CO and his wife. I remember one cong I attended in Texas. It was the Mckinney cong just outside of Dallas. He was so upset that he did not recieve much $$ that in his final talk that sunday he said that when you shake his hand to have a $20 in it. I figure if each publisher gave $20 and there were 100 publishers that would be $2,000 tax free dollars. I bet they have a pretty good size nest egg. The co that just retired from my present Ex circuit just bought a nice house and has been traveling to Africa and other exotic places. It must be nice. They cry poor but I think that is far from the truth.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    McKinney is now, where all of the rich folks live, that have escaped from Dallas. A CO in that area now, would make much more that $2000.

  • jwfacts

    My father is a CO and he certainly has not become rich from it. He was on the way to financial security when he gave up a very well paid job at the age of 40. Due to working for the WTS over the last 20 years, when he retires shortly from the circuit he will be in a difficult situation financially. Because they receive a car, housing and food they do not need very much money to live off, so being a CO is not difficult finanically, it is when they leave and have to set up a home and purchase a car that it becomes difficult.

    It does vary from circuit to circuit. On some of the poorer ones they would not receive any donations from week to week. In more affluent areas they may get up to a few hundred dollars in a week, but the majority of JWs do not give any money at all.

  • Confucious


    I remember personally delivering a envelope full of cash to the CO after he visited.

    I forgot the circumsances, but I was asked to solicit and delivered it myself.

    Just think... no expenses. And on top of that, your vacations are paid for by brothers wanting to hobnob with the CO on cruise.

    One thing that pissed me off pretty much.

    One year I donated an old laptop computer to the C.O.

    Back then, laptops were not yet mainstream.

    So having a laptop was a big deal.

    So I bought a new laptop for myself and give the older one to the C.O.

    Then the P.O. pulled me aside and said, "I'm not making an accusation, but the elders want to make sure this isn't Simony."

    I think in the Bible "simony" (from Simon?) was when you give gifts to the higher ups to get favors.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Dont forget when the brothers kissing up, er hanging out with him, buy his suits and paying for his rounds of golf. I did know of one CO that liked to golf. So on monday, his off day, the bro.s woulld take him out for a round.

  • owenfieldreams

    "green" handshakes were the norm around here in the more affluent areas/circuits. It's a pretty sweet gig when you think about it--all your expenses are taken care of and by rat-holing all the money you get given to you allows one to save at least a little for retirement or post-circuit work life when they have to join the real world with the rest of us.

  • Confucious

    Before I was "awakened," I really wanted to be a C.O.

    I really wanted to do it. Like authentically wanted to do it for pure reasons.

    The plan was to get a small condo paid for and have no debt and have a maybe some money saved in the bank.

    You figure even if you got $250 a week from the friends - most people in real life don't tuck away $1,000 pure cash a month.

    Not a bad life.

  • changeling

    A former CO who is now the PO in a local cong. has: just finished building a beautiful home, spent last summer traveling in Europe and went to law school while in the circuit work!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • primitivegenius

    ive known some cos that were truely legit.......... who took the job because they belived it was where they could serve the best......... and ive known some who i found out after the fact encouraged handouts........... so guess there are a few so called good eggs......... tho i dont see how they cant reconize the rotten core of the society.

    what i always just stare at with a expression of disbeleif is when they start bitching about brothers who are working nights or weekends................ just trying to keep their familys fed......... cause thats the only job they can find locally that will do it. im like......... dude(a$$hole) you get your car for free......... rent for free......... food for free.......... who knows what else for free......... so STFU

  • DaCheech

    a couple of years ago there was a school for CO/DO's in my area. I agreed to give housing to 2 of them for the week(s)

    I thought it would be nice to make dinners for them, and learn.

    after 3 days, I saw the following:

    1) no breakfast......... it was done at school

    2) no seeing them during the day (school)

    3) dinners: they went out with their overseer buddies.

    after 3 days, my wife and I feld guilty and we handed them $50 each and said "go buy yourself a meal on us". they took it and did not even gesture a thanks!

    after that we've been asked 3 or 4 times, and we denied. one time after we denied the elders they made a special needs talk on the "need". what balls!

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