The "generation" cover-up continues

by proplog2 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • proplog2

    Well, the New "generation" light has finally been released in print. This is important because it the centerpiece of their whole orientation.

    It is still a disjointed coverup of why they have this doctrine in the first place.

    Christ didn't come in 1874 or 1914.

    So they had a choice either suffer their "great disappointment" as the Millerites did or come up with a two part parousia: 1. an invisible early part and 2: a visible finale.

    The article still has a footnote referring to the Insight Book's discussion of "parousia" which draws on Vine's dictionary of Biblical words. Vine himself defines "parousia" as "presense" because he believed in the "secret coming" of Jesus.

    Most Jehovah's Witnesses aren't going to do research into definitions by so-called Greek Experts. They will simply accept the "experts" the Watchtower likes.

    The real proof that JW's have it wrong can be seen in comparing four scriptures:

    1Thessalonians 4:15-17

    15: For this is what we tell you by Jehovah’s Word, that we the living who survive to the presence of the Lord shall in no way precede those who have fallen asleep in death.

    16: because the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call, with an archangel’s voice and with God’s trumpet, and those who are dead in union with Christ will rise first. 17: Afterward we the living who are surviving will, together with them, be caught away in clouds to meet the Lord in the the air.

    1Corinthians 15: 51,51

    51: Look! I tell you a sacred secret: We shall not all fall asleep but we shall all be changed, 51: in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye during the last trumpet, For the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised up incorruptible, and we shall changed.

    Matthew 24:29-31

    29: Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened...31: And he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet sound, and they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds, from one extremity of the heavens to their other extremity."

    The resurrection takes place all at once after the Great Tribulation. The trumpets mentioned in 1Thessalonians and 1Corinthians is the same as the trumpet in Matthew that is blown AFTER the tribulation.

    So you don't have to know Greek to understand they have this messed up.

  • Must obey!
    Must obey!

    Good post and excellent scriptural reasoning. Some great points made there.

  • stillajwexelder

    I am suprised we are studying Revelation again - there will be many more changes - this house of cards has to fall soon

  • grewupJWnoselfesteem78-95

    are they still saying he came "invisibly" in 1914?

    please expand ?

  • proplog2

    grewup: Paragraph 3 in article Christ's Presence - What Does It Mean To you Watchtower Feb 15 2008 Page 21 "Christ's parousia or presence, started with Jesus' installation as King in heaven in 1914 and continues on to include the "great tribulation", during which he comes to destroy the wicked." Same Old Stuff

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle


    I am sure you agree the house of cards has already fallen...but only to those with eyes of understanding. hee hee.

    The Oracle

  • hamsterbait

    You are ALL wrong.

    The Witchtower Babble and Trash Society has already fallen. INVISIBLY.

    Oh ye of little faith!!


  • Chalam

    Revelation 1 (New International Version)

    7Look, he is coming with the clouds,
    and every eye will see him,

    Looks like He hasn't returned yet!

    Many other verses to this effect too.


  • free2beme

    Color me lost here, but didn't this change happen in 1995 and is something well known today?

  • anakolouthos

    Nice points proplog2.

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