by proplog2 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • What-A-Coincidence

    i take it you haven't read Steve Hassan's books huh?

    the way you present the JWs is like saying...here Elder, take my child with you, have him sleep the night over ... it's okay, you guys are exemplary because you guys remain neutral in governments affairs.

  • proplog2

    I am no longer participating in this thread.

  • restrangled
    If JW’s are evil, in spite of their refusal to kill people in wars, what does that say about all the other main-stream Christian religions.

    First of all the only people who are obsessed with selectively comparing themselves to other religions are JW's. Its nauseating. Its like a group of Little Leagers sitting around comparing themselves to the New York Yankees.

    The typical JW mentality is devoid of common sense and real world knowledge and all of your posts exemplify that.

    First off the JW's took the idea of contientious objectors from the Christadelphians (another cult) who used it during the Civil War.

    Secondly there is a major difference between being a contientious objector and a pacifist. A pacifist will participate in no wars. A contientious objector can be a religious fanatic who will act like a "pacifist" except in the case where they believe their God wants to exterminate billions of people. In that case their "look at how good we are" turns into "the ultimate holy war". I don't know of any other group of people so ambivilant about their God wiping out 99% of the worlds population. If you really objected to the promotion of unnecessary mass slaughter of human life, then you wouldn't be a JW.

    That really is the issue. A second grader can see it. How on the one hand can you insist on that you are pacifists, yet you don't object to your God wiping out billions of people. You are quite simply hypocrites of the highest degree....and not a very sophisticated breed....a rather obvious garden variety. Was it neccessary for the WTS to spin their fantasy to include wiping everyone out other than JW's? No. Their sick minds are the ones that came up with that bulls**t.....and you want the world to praise you for it ???

    The predictable path that always follows with a JW is this.

    First they imply that they are the one true religion and that their leaders are "inspired". Then when their hypocricy is exposed, they claim that they are still inspired, but their leaders are human. Then when that hypocricy is pointed out, they say that "well at least we aren't as bad as the Catholics". Then when you bring up the pedophelia, they say I'm not participating in the conversation anymore.

    If someone on the street corner where to proclaim that they are the sole channel of God, you'd think surely they were nuts and recommend that they were given a mental evaluation. The WTS organization is no less nutty...and no more credible.....and the fact that they are insatiable in their need for praise is a further indication of a serious mental imbalance.

    R's Hubby

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