Two Elders Came To My Door

by silentlambs 45 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • silentlambs

    Well I guess Wt is getting tired of waiting me out. Two elders showed up at my door on halloween. They were not trick or treating, at least I think they were notat least they did not have candy bags. I chose not to answer as I am sure it was not a sheparding call. More like a two witness deal to trap me in some statement or fabricated statement and then take action. While I have no idea why they would call, I decide to go ahead and circle the wagons and send them the certified letter below. Do you think it will get a response?



    Draffenville Body of Elders
    Benton, KY 42025

    Dear Brothers,

    I am writing to request your cooperation regarding communication with my family or myself. It is my understanding that elders have been calling at my door with the intention of speaking with me. If you will review the certified letters I have sent from January to May of this year you will find several requests for information regarding events that happened in the Draffenville Congregation. At the end of each letter it has been very clear, I want an answer in writing for the various ways my name has been discredited before the congregation. You have repeatedly ignored my request and tried to speak with me about additional matters without honoring my requests. This creates a further basis to justify my feelings of mistrust toward anything verbally you might have to say. For your review you might consider the following:

    1. Being falsely placed on restrictions for one month before clearing up the matter with no announcement to the congregation to clear up the matter. I ask for the scriptural and theocratic guidelines for this action.
    2. Misinformation given in a “local needs” part by Tom Carruthers in which I was demonized to the congregation as well as the Societies Pedophile protection policy being wrongly presented. I ask for the scriptural and theocratic guidelines for this action.
    3. Watchtower PR producing and releasing video to local press in which my father calls me a liar on film and JR Brown completely misinforms the public about Watchtower policy. I ask for the scriptural and theocratic guidelines for this action.
    4. The deceptive practice of informing all speakers not to call on me for comments as I was being told by the Body of Elders I was free to comment at any time. I ask for the scriptural and theocratic guidelines for this action.
    5. Informing various persons in the congregation to treat me a disfellowshipped when there is no basis for such action to be taken. I ask for the scriptural and theocratic guidelines for this action.
    6. Pressuring fellow witnesses to stop working in my candle business due to the negative comments presented by representatives of Watchtower leadership thus causing financial hardship. I ask for the scriptural and theocratic guidelines for this action.
    7. Deceptively saying you cannot find a KM, personal literature orders and magazines when I have requested them. I ask for the scriptural and theocratic guidelines for this action.
    8. Forbidding anyone to work in field service along with me, and providing no territory in which to work in. I ask for the scriptural and theocratic guidelines for this action.
    9. Telling me I was not welcome at the meetings. I ask for the scriptural and theocratic guidelines for this action.
    10. Using a child molester as an example before the congregation on more than one occasion. When I confronted you with this matter the elders refused to review what the OM book states about how exemplary brothers should be used for privileges on the service meeting. I ask for the scriptural and theocratic guidelines for this action.
    11. When I made the statement that using a child molester in an exemplary position offended me, Brother xxxxxxxx stated, “The most offensive people take offense.” This comment was not only unloving but showed his complete lack of compassion for the victim who xxxxx xxxxxx molested. I ask for the scriptural and theocratic guidelines for this action.

    If I were to try and think further I am sure there are many other items that could be brought forward, but I believe the above should be sufficient to show the disingenuous actions of the Watchtower representatives acting at the guidance of the Watchtower home office. The above evidence clearly shows you cannot trust any word that comes out of the mouth of anyone who represents the Watchtower organization. Your actions force me to request the following stipulations:

    1. Any further communication must be in writing and sent to my attorney. His address is:


    2. Any verbal communication from this point forward will be considered harassment as you have repeatedly disregarded my request for answers in writing.
    3. I am formally requesting that no Jehovah’s Witness elder or member trespass on my property at anytime. Unless they are willing to undergo a complete background check for child molestation history and submit this to my attorney.
    4. I request that all questions submitted in previous letters be answered in writing to my attorney instead of being sent to me personally.

    It grieves me greatly to have to take this action to protect myself against brothers I at one time trusted so completely. Your actions have proved you to be otherwise. In order to be “cautious as serpents” it forces me to deal with you as the snakes you are.

    Thank you in advance for your quick response as I certainly wish to clear up any matter that might have you concerned for my spiritual welfare. Along with this letter goes my warm Christian love.

  • larc

    Silent Lambs,

    I don't know it this can be done, but I think it would be worth looking into. I think you should go to the police and see if you can get a restraining order because of the harrassment you have experienced. I should think your letter and other documentation would be enough to convince them.

  • jayhawk1

    I definitly respect what you are doing. Keep up the pressure. I wish I had your fortitude to stand up and be noticed like you.

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

    Here is the page of the dumbest Jehovah's Witness I have ever seen.

  • Pathofthorns

    Good for you. Always put it in writing and push them to answer. They usually just leave you alone because they cannot answer you. They know they have slipped up and don't want further bad press.

    There is sufficient reason to refuse meeting with them. Don't speak with any of them. Make them put what they have to say in writing, which they probably won't do. You are driving them crazy. They want to get rid of you, but are afraid of public opinion. Good job.


  • Tina

    Hi Bill,
    I agree w/ Path and larc.It's driving them gaga . Because of your public stance,they don't quite know what to do with you,as it would garner even more negative publicity for the WTS.
    I think filing a restraining order is a good idea. It will provide documenation to your being harrassed by them.
    Just as they fight for and relish their freedom to approach people,so you to have the right NOT to be approached. Thank you for your continued hard work and sacrifices regarding the pedophilia issue. With much love and admiration,tina

    Jehovahs Witnesses,Proudly Serving Their Corporate Masters!

  • RedhorseWoman

    Larc does have a good point. Now that you have officially notified them that they are not to trespass on your property, if they do so in the future, you can call the police and have them arrested for trespassing. You could also easily get a restraining order, I'm sure.

  • jayhawk1

    Just a question for all those who say a restraining order is the way to go on this one. The no trespassing rule could apply both ways can't it? I am not certain on this one, but it is something to think about.

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

    Here is the page of the dumbest Jehovah's Witness I have ever seen.

  • slipnslidemaster

    Bill, Hang Tough!!

    You are doing the right thing. Hang in there. You have the balls the size of Kentucky.

    I personally love what you are doing. I know it's hard, but there has to be something very energizing when you are sitting there and they all KNOW that you are right. You are a thorn in their sides and they can't get rid of you unless you slip up. Don't give them the opportunity. Your letter is perfect.

    Slipnslidemaster:"The average person thinks he isn't."
    - Father Larry Lorenzoni

  • Lionel_P_Hartley

    Much has been made of the rights of religions to impose discipline on their members. However, it seems to me, that it is a violation of the 1st (?) amendment to punish someone for their public expressions of free speech, particulatly when those expressions are actually consistent with the published views of their religion, and only inconsistent with the method by which the religion's standards are enforced. Further, it surely violates the USA constitution to punish people for speeking freely about things that they did not agree to in the first place; Most JWs did not agree to obey the org. no matter what it would teach in the future.

    Threatening to sue the elders locally amd personally would probably work. Here is an interesting web site:

    Lionel Hartley

  • Mulan

    Bill, I love it!! Be sure to let us know how this one progresses!!!

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)
    "Those who know, don't say, and those who say, don't know."

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