Did being a JW make you overly judgemental?

by Frequent_Fader_Miles 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • shell69


    Something I am completely aghast at now is how judgmental I was... still am sometimes!

    I judged everyone and everything, becoz thats what I was raised to do. Funnily enough I'm trying real hard to break this bad habbit now, but I can almost hear my mother in my ears, telling me that the reason I dont judge is becasue I have no standards!

    I'm a DOG returned to eat my own vomit!


  • Luka

    Yes there was quite a scandal in Germany if my memroy serves me correctly few years back when some publisher lost one of those house 2 house slip and on it were remarks about people such ase "goat" "possible sheep" "goat" "hopeless" etc. What do you call that? They are being taught that priching work is in essence chategorizing of people, so what else do you expect?

  • noni1974

    No because I felt judged every single time I steped foot into a KH.

    However most of my best friend in my life have been very judgemental.I have had 4 BFF's and 2 of them judged every single person they see.The last one judged based on vibes.If she got a bad vibe from you the first time she met you that was it she didn't like you and would never give anyone a second chance.She juged every other friend I ever had and every boyfirend I had and hated them all.She jugded me all the time as well.I passed 49% of the time.Now you know why she's no longer my BFF.This one was raised a JW and left at 18.I don't know if that had something to do with it or not.She may have just been a bitch to be a bitch.

    The other one was very oppionated and if you didn't agree with her you were wrong.She based her judgement on whether or not you agreed with her.She did however help me see that staying in a cult just for my family's happieness was dumb.She helped me out of the JW's.

    The other 2 were some what diffrent.1 was my BFF as a teenager and was a JW as well.We grew apart after I told her her husband was cheating on her.The other one and I are still BFF's and we actually see each other as sisters.I met her as a JW also.She got DF ed about a year or so after I DA ed.She doesn't judge anyone.

  • Dark Lord of the Evil Slave Class
    Dark Lord of the Evil Slave Class

    Wow, this topic is spot-on. I'm active and was raised in the Truth, and I saw this a lot, and I can't stand this. It amazes me how many brothers and sisters can quote scripture but forget the one about pointing out Matthew 7:3-5: "Why, then, do you look at the straw in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the rafter in your own eye? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Allow me to extract the straw from your eye’; when, look! a rafter is in your own eye? 5 Hypocrite! First extract the rafter from your own eye, and then you will see clearly how to extract the straw from your brother’s eye." I knew a sister who said she only wanted to marry a brother was a ministerial servant or an elder, because that meant they were spirtually minded and strong. She was "in love" for years with this one single elder, but the moment he started having some legitimate emotional issues and went through things where he stepped down as an elder, she stopped having her heart set on him and turned her nose up at him (basically) because he was now "weak." I know we're supposed to put up with one another in love but sometimes I just want to scream at people like this.

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles
    It amazes me how many brothers and sisters can quote scripture but forget the one about pointing out Matthew 7:3-5:

    Just goes to show how much in they have in common with the Pharisees! The very same group of people Jesus himself condemned for their hypocrisy.

  • Smiles_Smiles

    yes - very judgemental as a JW. Didn't realize it much. But hindsight is 20/20

    no - when I left it was very easy to see people as people. no right/wrong judgement of them just 'is'. even when I decide if I want to hang with a person or not ... me not hanging doesn't mean they are right or wrong, good or bad ~ just means they are not compatible with who I am in this moment. It was very easy to settle into that frame of mind when I left.


  • anewme

    Yes, and I found it a particularly hard habit to break.
    But now, being out for 7 years and doing a lot of independent thinking about life and truth and reality,
    I am much more tolerant and accepting and mellow about many things that used to bristle me or rub me the wrong way.

    I am not the judge of the world nor do I feel compelled to save souls from some Armageddon.

    I do feel an obligation to my species to be kind and considerate and show courage and integrity.

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