2008 study WT will be confiscated from non-publishers

by mac n cheese 59 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sandy

    LOL This is hard to believe even though dub-land is quite strange, to put it nicely . . . I guess I wouldn't be too surprised if it's true.

    If I actually see this new rule in writing I may be tempted to actually attend a Sunday meeting just to steal a WT. LOL

  • changeling

    You know what I like about this thread? It is proof that "apostates" in general are not out to get the WT and spread lies.

    Most of the replies show that we are interested in the truth, and that when we smell a "rat" we question it.

    We are not about fabricating lies or stories.

    The WT gets itself in enough trouble on their own.


  • avengers
    Very Strange case of Paranoia...... Wonder what they've been smokin.

    Nothing. That's just the point.

  • justhuman

    Oouaou, that is very interesting. If they supposed to have the "truth" why do they hide it from the rest of the world. Why 2 issues of WT magazine, one for the "insiders", and one for the outsiders?

    If they have the 'light' why do trhey hide it? How can they claim that they follow Jesus, when they hide the lamplight?

  • greenhornet

    I thought the Watchtower announces Jehovah's kingdom. How can they announce the kingdom to the people on earth if only a certain few get the magazine? Very strange.

  • PoppyR

    The major flaw in this argument is, how can you study your watchtower if you dont have one? So more than publishers would need their own copy, every family member would, and also new and interested ones.

    I do think the WT is paranoid, but come on... they must know we have ELDERS on this board, we'd get the information out even if they were meeting in locked rooms and changing the location every week!


  • Jeffro

    There's already been a scan of a Feb 2008 article on this forum. Obviously their plan to keep their articles internal will fail.

  • bigmouth

    My return visitor hand delivered both editions to me. I haven't been near a hall in years.

    And I don't doubt that mac n cheese related the story truthfully. The lit. servant must have had a power surge.

  • Locutus of Borg
    Locutus of Borg

    Based on some of the ignorant pissant power hungry megamaniacal uneducated office cleaner wackjob elders and servants I knew when I was still in, I can believe this happened.

    You've always got the ones who will bend/interpret instructions to fit their own tiny world view of us vs them.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Haven't been to the hall for five years, but still get the mags.

    Guess what!!!!

    Our Feb 15 came today.

    Please explain this statement. Unless there are subscriptions where you are at, how is this so? They discontinued subs [at least in the US] several years back now. And they have been told not to deliver this mag to non-actives I understand. Jeff

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