by Dansk 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • shell69

    IMO you would swap one bunch of idiots, towing the party line, and riding roughshod over the congregation members for another bunch of idiots, towing the party line and riding roughshod over the congregation members.

    Power would go to thier heads in exactly the same way power goe's to male elders heads.


  • jgnat

    Well, DUH. Many women make good LEADERS. This is not a gender-specific ability. I find it ironic that in my secular career, I am limited (generally) only by my ability. I am given as much responsibility as I can handle.

    Not so in the church.

    Is it even a QUESTION whether as a woman am I able to handle money, make a speech in a public gathering, deliver hard news, or mediate a dispute?

    Or, heaven forbid, handle a MICROPHONE?

  • Gilberto

    I have to say I felt sorry for sisters in the hall. Us men were able to break the monotony of the meetings by giving talks, doing sound, microphones, even adjusting the platform mic. We even had security patrols around the car park.

    The women couln't do anything except sit there!

    They would be frowned at if they went to the toilet, but we could go out the back because we had something important to do.

  • jgnat
    security patrols around the car park

    How could I forget? There's nothing so striking as a man in an reflective jacket, waving his arms about.

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    This fantasy is going really well. Women would make fantastic elders J

  • Gilberto
    How could I forget? There's nothing so striking as a man in an reflective jacket, waving his arms about.

    Actually, we didn't have reflective jackets. It would have made us feel even more important though, that I am sure.

  • delilah

    MARY WOULD MAKE A FANTASTIC ELDER.....I've often told her that....

    I don't think it would hurt the organization to appoint women, there are some very capable ladies who would do a fantastic job!!

    .... but I also know some women who should NEVER have any type of authority....it goes straight to their head. There are equally as many men who should not be appointed either, but there they are!

  • vitty

    They wouldnt choose the nice compassionate sisters, who may from experience of being in a divided home or single or abused have some kind of experience and empathy..................no theyd choose the bitchy, ambitious elders wives.

    Now wouldnt that be nice !!!

  • freydi

    Would women make good elders? Not any more than the elders would make good women. The meaning of the word elder is "older man."

  • Gilberto

    Just to clarify my first post.

    The reason I don't think it would be the same religion is that it seems to me to be based on male dominance. The bible, the great men of old, jesus, apsotles, governing body etc.

    The reason I mention about the affairs is because of a topic I started showing that JW's are no better at marital fidelity than non beleivers. However other religions showed much more faithfulness.

    I post this because I sense I may have been misunderstood.

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