Is it possible be blind? while seeing? Bible thumper read if you dare

by skyking 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • onacruse


    Well as a athiest I am sure you can provide us Christians with solid evedence that Jesus did not exist.

    That's a valid observation. I submit that trying to prove that Jesus did not exist is as futile as trying to prove that he did exist.

    After all, we're talking about things that happened 2000 years ago, and therefore all we can do is to take the testimonies of other people.

    In that same line of thought, we could just as easily accept, or question, the validity of the Golden Plates of Joseph Smith: several people (much more contemporary than the Biblical apostles) swore before God that they saw and handled those Plates, but today these artifacts, and those witnesses, are nowhere to be found.

  • lesterd

    Copy infers an oringal, who was copied?

  • M.J.

    Isn't that list rather similar to what Arthur Weigall put out, partially quoted by the WTS in "Should you Believe in the Trinity?" (only when he was talking about Trinitarian concepts though)?

  • UU Now
    UU Now

    Lovelylil said to Sweetstuff:

    just for your information. Paul was not even a Christian yet when Jesus appeared to the women after his resurrection. It was not until sometime after Jesus ascension to heaven that Paul became a Christian. So your assumption that Paul was somehow upset because he did not see Jesus first is off base as Paul was not around then.

    Bolding mine. Sweetstuff didn't say that Paul was pissed because Jesus didn't appear to him first; she said (bolding mine again):

    Paul was very devoted to Jesus, was pretty damn pissed that he appeared to women first,

    Not quite the same thing. I interpreted sweetstuff's comment to mean that Paul resented Jesus' appearing to women before he appeared to the (male) disciples, not because Paul himself didn't get to see Jesus first, but simply because Paul was a misogynist and didn't think any woman deserved the privilege of seeign Jesus first (or maybe even of seeing him at all).

    Trygon said:

    Well as a athiest I am sure you can provide us Christians with solid evedence that Jesus did not exist.

    I've never known an atheist who denied that Jesus existed.

  • BurnTheShips

    Hi UU.

    Several of the posters on this site do deny it.


  • lovelylil


    Thanks for clearing that up. I can see how you can take sweetstuff's comments in a different way. I still disagree though that Paul was pissed over Jesus appearing to women before men. He was not there when it happened to voice that opinion either way anyway.

    But I can certainly see why people feel Paul held women in an inferior position to men. He was in that sense just like all the men of that time. (and many men today too).

    It is refreshing for me as a women and follower of Christ to know that Jesus was well ahead of his time in his equal treatment of women. Women were involved in all aspects of his ministry and he certainly never silenced them in any way. In fact, Jesus had a huge following of women disciples.

    For more on this see my article about Women in the early church. You can find it on Peace, Lilly

  • UU Now
    UU Now
    Hi UU.

    Several of the posters on this site do deny it.


    I wasn't aware of that. None of atheists I know personally deny Jesus' existence. Isn't the existence of the historical Jesus a fairly well established fact?

  • lovelylil


    Several ancient historians wrote about Jesus of Nazareth, if you are interested I can post a list for you. But there are many people who do not accept thier writings as evidence Jesus existed.

    I guess they want a birth certificate or driver's liscense. Lilly

  • SickofLies

    I cannot prove that someone did not exist that is just silly. However, I find the fact that what should be one of the most important people who ever lived has left no historical evidence of their existance to be very enlighting.

    Faith, believing without evidence.

    Faith, what allows people to fly planes into buildings.

    Faith, what allows people to let their children die instead of giving them life saving blood.

    It is better to be skeptical that to blindly believe something just because it could be true. If there was a god, who's to say that this is what he would value most of all?

    Honestly I would not want to live under a god who's sole purpose for creating people was to have them spend their entire life in devotion to him until they die, and if they did a good enough job then maybe let them come live with you forever where all they will do is prase your name. I don't understand how people can live their whole lives with this as being their sole purpose and only thing they have to look forward to.

  • BurnTheShips
    I find the fact that what should be one of the most important people who ever lived has left no historical evidence of their existance to be very enlighting.

    I find the fact that you choose to ignore the considerable historical evidence that he did exist to be very enlightening. I find the delight you seem to feel in crushing the comforts of faith in others who journey along side you to be distrubing as well.

    Honestly I would not want to live under a god who's sole purpose for creating people was to have them spend their entire life in devotion to him until they die

    Ultimiately it is beyond our ken to know why he made us. But the word Love sums it up.

    I don't understand how people can live their whole lives with this as being their sole purpose and only thing they have to look forward to.

    I don't understand how people can live their whole live with meaningless self-satisfaction as being their sole purpose and nonexistence being all they look forward to.


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