Would anyone like a free Home Bible Study?

by Billy the Ex-Bethelite 13 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I'm still 'in' and have access to certain resources, including 'Follow Up' slips. I suggest that anyone 'in' or 'out' help to turn these into 'Fool Up' slips. Here's how:

    I'll start it small. I need a few of you who are 'out' and away from where you are known to the local publishers as 'out'. If you would like to have someone come and start a free Home Bible Study with you, so you can ask them about some recent articles on the Internet, please send me VIA PRIVATE MESSAGE your name (perhaps fictious), address, and a very brief description of your 'background information' so that, very soon, the local 'friends' can come to your door to share with you 'fresh waters of Bible truth'.

    If your conscience bothers you about any 'lies', I'll be starting another thread about non-lies shortly...

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Billy...

    Aren't you the sly one!!! LOLOL!! I would do it but everyone knows who I am and where I live.


    Lady Liberty

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I wonder if they will stop using the 'Follow Up' slips before you could move, change your name, and have plastic surgery.

  • GetOverIt

    I thought about doing that 'cause I'm away from the area however, the "lies" thing gets me. As well as, what's the purpose? (I don't mean this in a negative way), they won't believe, they'll stop the study...and then I wonder if I will have so much knowledge that they'll know i know more than I"m letting on. They just built a new KH around the corner from where I know stay. I've thought about attending to see if I "feel" something that tells me I shouldn't have left, but then again i'm like, what's the purpose. But I will think about it 'cause it would be pretty fun to do as long a the objective was to pull their plugs of assimilation. (Borg - God I love Star Trek).

  • momzcrazy

    I am waiting for an encouraging elder's visit any day now, as my mom turned me in for celebrating the holidays. All they are getting from me is a Get the F*&^ off my porch. Maybe some ornament throwing for fun. Thanks for the offer though.

    Boogie Downmomz

  • JK666


    It wouldn't be lying, it's just "reverse Theocratic Warfare."


  • lawrence


    Have all the 'follow up' slips destroyed/disappear, never to be forwarded. This will help the Bethel faithful realize that their cult is offensive and unappealing. Also, think of all the gas you'll save, and the demotivation factor in the congos. "Seems like we get no "follow up" slips these days," laments elder Crapapple. "Yes, Brother Crapapple, seems like no one wants OUR Paradise any longer, " whines Elder Persceuted.

  • Scully

    It's an interesting idea, however I would strongly caution anyone about sending personal information like name, address & phone # to a complete stranger that pops up on an internet discussion board soliciting such information.

    Please note the Posting Guidelines that apply to all areas of the forum, including Personal Messaging:

    Please don't post private addresses or phone numbers, including your own. You may post email addresses so long as you make it clear who they belong to.
  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester

    I'm not quite sure I understand the point of doing this, unless using a real name and a ficticious address is to send them on a home bible study at the local insane asylum.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    You're right Scully. Sorry, I'm new here.

    And as I think about it, it's more work than I want and I might get discovered. I'll stick to publicly posting info that EVERYBODY can use.

    JK666, I'm working on a new thread. I'm thinking of the title The Truth About Lying & Non-truthing. Also, something like, The Truth About the Holy Spirit & Satan's Control.

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