Mr. Flippers Son Anti-Witnesses to his Fanatic Witness Mother

by flipper 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    So, my 22 year old son called me this morning and said his witness mom, my ex, sent him this website link-,2933,313683,00.html .

    It is an artcicle about a 14 year old witness boy with leukemia who died because of refusing a blood transfusion. Doctors said he would have had a 70 % chance of surviving to live a normal life if he had accepted blood. He was being raised by his witness aunt in Mount Vernon, Washington and the supreme court judge ruled against the State of Washington that the boy was firm in his beliefs and says he was not coerced to make this decision which cost him his life . ( You have your BS detectors on ? ) The boys parents , non witnesses, tried to rush back to Washington in time to fight this , coming from Idaho , however the boy was brain dead and too far gone. What an outrage !

    My sons witness mother sent him the link and her view of what this 14 year old boy did. Trying to justify to my son about this young man, She said, " Would you agree that our dear young brother truly gave a good personal witness for his loving Heavenly Father , to the judge, and many others , and proved Satan a liar " ? Then she quotes a scripture to him Rev. 2 : 10 says, " Do not be afraid of the things you are about to suffer . Look, the Devil will keep on throwing some of you into prison that you may be fully put to the test. Prove yourselves faithful even to death, and I will give you the crown of life. " " Son, what a great example of faith , and a good relationship with his heavenly Father. " (Ecch ! ) Italics mine .......

    So , my son sent an e-mail back to his mom , and this is what he wrote to her, " Thank you for this e-mail mom. I do appreciate the bravery that this young man has shown. He has looked death in the face and realized that his principles are more important to him than his life. I, too, believe that this physical life is not all there is. Good for him ! "

    My son continued, " Unfortunately he, along with millions of others around the world have been lied to by that religion ( and all other religions for that matter ) that declares itself a messenger of God . There are many , many reasons why I know with 100 % certainty that Jehovah's Witnesses are not THE one truth . I was able to come to this decision because I chose not to limit my evidence to what the Watchtower society allows me to see. Of course they are not going to allow their members to view anything that might question their unconditional rightness. If there is one thing I can take from school, it is that one source of information about a given topic is never enough to inform oneself , especially if that source is the topic itself . "

    He continued, " But do not get me wrong. I am not explicitly denouncing your religion. I am denouncing it's practice ( and that of every other religion ) of thinking they have the one true answer to everything and that everyone else is wrong and that everyone else should think the way that they do.

    "The truth is mom , that everyone will find their own truth. For you , it is being a Jehovah's Witness . For me it is realizing that the truth is in all of us . God is in every one of us ! He loves each and everyone of us equally whether we are Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Mormon, Jehovah's Witness, or yes, even an Atheist ! Gasp! This life is not all there is ! We are souls that are here to experience life , and grow from our experience . One day we will all understand that life is about harmony , not disunity . And that day is coming sooner, rather than later . "

    " I have looked at your article and read it, now , if you would please . return me the favor and take a look at this one I am sending you. ( My son sent her the link for the NBC news release of the child abuse settlements ) I am not trying to dissuade you in any way but am only asking that you keep an open mind to future events . "

    " I love you with all my heart mom. I appreciate that you are just trying to do for me what you think is best . One day I am positive that we will understand each other better ! Thank you for everything .

    P.S. Promise me you won't drink the punch ! P.P.S. That's a joke - but seriously !

    You guys, as I write this to you my heart is swelled up with pride at how well my son expressed his clarity of thought to his mom, in order to convince her of his convictions. I have tears welling up as I'm writing this. I love this young man so much , and he has such a good heart , I hope some day his mother will treat him with commendation for his college achievements , and realise what a good man he has become without the witnesses ! I look forward to your feedback and responses. Now if you excuse me I need some kleenex because my computer keyboards are getting a little moist from my he-man Flipper emotions . Love you folks my JWD pals. Peace out, Mr. Flipper


    Your son is a remarkable young man. He's done us all proud.

  • OnTheWayOut

    He was light on her, but it is his mother. I go light on my mother, too.

    Great job.

  • undercover

    Great reply...

    Sounds like he's got his act together. I'd be bursting with pride too.

  • flipper

    O.K. Now I'm better . Emotions under control ! Thanks for your responses. Proud of that son of mine !

    AWAKE & WATCHING- Yeah, he sure did do everybody proud here. I was touched by his perceptiveness in communication.

    OTWO- Yes, I agree, I think he went light on her, however as you mentioned, I think most of us are that way with our mom's ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • What-A-Coincidence
  • flipper

    UNDERCOVER- Yes, he certainly does have his act together ! In spite of being raised a " witness" . He got out at 18 and I got out shortly after he did. Outside of my wife, I consider him my best friend ! peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • ninja

    hey flippy......da ninja is being serious....congrats to your son....and kudos to you.....your mate da ninja

  • 95stormfront

    Great response. I'm sure that she didn't get the response that she thought she would by sharing yet another letter of another witnoid sacrificing their life upon the alter of the WT god.

  • dinah

    Mr. Flipper,

    What a great son you have! Let me just say I admire him. Wish I could tell my mom the same thing.

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