Biblical Test for a Prophet

by Treborr Jones 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Treborr Jones
    Treborr Jones

    Just bumping

  • Frenchy

    You said: “all they really need to do is pay careful attention to what their own leaders say will happen, and monitor carefully whether their predictions come true.” That certainly sounds very logical and simple…unless you’re in the organization. Remember all those articles about the dangers of ‘independent thinking’? When one of these predictions fail, they are told what to make of it. To doubt the Society’s explanation is tantamount to question God himself. If the explanation sounds a little shaky and they are having trouble swallowing the camel, they are told to ‘wait on Jehovah’ and he will eventually clear the matter up. Eventually they just forget…and it goes on.

    Are you or were you ever JW? Just curious.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • proplog2

    JW's spoke out against Disco music before anyone else. Of course they spoke out against Blues, Jazz, Rock, etc.

  • Bang

    bjc2012 writes to Proplog2:
    << You've taken these verses out of context. >>

    Bang replies:
    But they have been removed from Christianity (and more), their ways being utterly rejected; after accepting into their hearts the worldly ideas of reward while considering that their 'earnings' are more worthy than others - and now, totally stumbled by their fellow man, the error is what they follow, and they inquire of a strange god - the inquirers and the prophets alike.

    If we neglect Christ in our fellow we proceed without Him.


  • logical

    BJC would know all about false prophets. Bet the original post stung her and MDS.

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