Greetings from a recovering mormon

by FormerMormon 114 Replies latest jw friends

  • neverendingjourney

    Some folks on this forum who have never been JWs come on here because they find our XJW experiences interesting. However, I get the feeling that some of this fascination is similar to the interest people on the interstate show when they slow down to catch a glimpse of the car wreck on the side of the road. It's voyeuristic and it creeps me out, quite frankly. Some of these people have been taken to task regarding the flaws in their own religious beliefs, and they have often gotten defensive about it. If you're going to come on this forum and engage in some JW bashing, you better be willing to face the music when your own religious beliefs come under scrutiny. Anything short of that is hypocritical.

  • Highlander

    I'm highly educated in the Mormon history. Here are my credentials!

  • blondie

    This is an ex-mormon site that could be helpful.

    I go there from time to time to confirm LDS teachings from another perspective.


  • kerj2leev


    I'm highly educated in the Mormon history. Here are my credentials!
  • oldflame

    I am a excommunicated Mormon. If I can help you in anyway just let me know...And welcome to this discussion board.

  • oompa

    Seasons Greetings FormMorm!! I too got a kick out of seeing you guys. At least you got to ride a bike wich I love. We had to walk between our hoping in and out of cars. Funny but apparently you guys know and teach we are a cult. I stopped two peddlers last summer and we talked for over an hour. The gave me The Book, and literature, and said they know all about our doctored up Bible, and whacky ways...........they knew truths about us even my elders did not know..............glad we are both free, but my wife is not either and neither is my son..............good luck..........oompa

  • Quandry

    Well, I do know this. When I decided to do research into the history of Witnesses on line, I was flabergasted to find out that Russell taught that God resides in the Pliades system. If I am not mistaken, LDS believe the three gods, Jehovah, Jesus, and Elohim (who is the chief god) reside on a planet, also. Please correct me if I am wrong.

    My point being that looking into the history of the JWs led to shocking discoveries. 1914 came from measurements of a pyramid, etc.

    These teachings, of course, are not shared in the meetings at the Kingdom Halls, but are never mentioned, and if a person started sharing what they knew, they would be "dealt with" in the back room.

    The teachings were made up, we now know, by men who claimed to have special knowledge from God.

    I saw a PBS special about LDS and have looked up info on web sites. Joseph Smith had some interesting views, and also claimed revelations from God.He evidently swindled lots of people out of money, too, but I digress.....

    So, what I am getting at is that with variations, it would seem to us (those who were in the JWs for many years) that you are arguing about insignificant differences in whacky beliefs that we feel we escaped from with the WTBTS.

    I know that if I began to explain the "generation" beliefs, someone could easily say that I didn't have my facts straight. They would be partly right, because the "explanations" are confusing to me.

    So, those who take issue with formermormon, please know that if I am any representation of former witnesses, the differences you are speaking of don't make much of a difference. We view both religions as from men now. Maybe in your particular church, hell fire wasn't used as a threat, but clearly it is a belief from the LDS publications.

    Do you understand what I am saying? It is like an argument on this forum from ex-Witnesses with each other arguing over some change in when and how "new light" came to be. What's the point? It's all from men........

  • Qcmbr

    Quandry - there are far easier ways to critique the LDS faith than lying surely even you can see that lies don't help anyone.

    For example you put in a throwaway comment about Joseph Smith swindling money as though you actually knew what the hell you were talking about. It's this shallow mud flinging that I fight against.

  • barry

    I liked the southpark mormons when I came to this page they have a real sense of humour, and I like it.

  • Quandry

    If I was a dub I'd use a new light arguement to do whatever I wanted - i.e. 'Bro Dave didn't you know christmas was apostate?!! - Yea Bro Overseer Man but I just had new light that actually Pastor Russel was right, yo ho ho'

    I didn't pull the information out of thin air that Joseph Smith was accused of swindling a town out of its money. The PBS special on LDS did that. He did alot of other things, too. So, it seems, did Brigham Young. Down to the shooting people incident. As LDS leaders admit, a "sad part" of their history, but of course the men did it on their own and the leader of the religion "didn't know anything about it." But I digress again......

    Your quote above says it all. You come to this site and agree that JWs rely on "new light" when they want to change things, but of course when the LDS wants to, it's a "revelation." I don't get the difference, except that you want to bash JWs but don't want the tables turned on LDS, correct?

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