Greetings from a recovering mormon

by FormerMormon 114 Replies latest jw friends

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    If you've been to one Fast and Testimony meeting that's more than I ever have! (thank goodness) This Wikipedia article mentions a little about the meetings. From what it says it seems like the LDS leadership wants them to be more in the style of JW meetings, boring.

    There is a well researched paper floating around the internet called "Historical Idealism and Jehovah's Witnesses". Do a google search for it. I think that is exactly what you are looking for.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    You probably know by now that the Mormons and JW's were funded and founded by the same Rothschild/Illuminati money. If there's any mind-control cult more dangerous than the Watchtower I think its the Mormons.

    Watch out for the soul sucking reptilian bloodline!!!!

  • FormerMormon
    You probably know by now that the Mormons and JW's were funded and founded by the same Rothschild/Illuminati money. If there's any mind-control cult more dangerous than the Watchtower I think its the Mormons.

    Watch out for the soul sucking reptilian bloodline!!!! Drew, Rothchild / illuminati money founding the mormons? I knew the Rothchilds were evil, but NOT THAT EVIL!!! I hadn't ever heard that before.

  • Magick


    I don't know much about mormons except the little I learned as a witness on the inaccuracies of their book of mormon compared to the bible. and...locally we have more than our share of (cute young boys on bikes)...i have witnessed (pardon the pun) those cute mormon boys at the internet room searching "fast cars" "nakid women" and "asian cartoon porn" it was then i realized they were just people like me.

    here's an interesting article i found on the web. don't know how accurate it is...what do you think?

  • JK666


    Welcome to JWD! It sounds like we have the same $hit, just a different religion!

    JW's dont even say they are Jehovah's Witnesses, They say they are "in The Truth!"

    Look around here and see the other similarities.


  • undercover

    It's bad enough that the Mormons and JWs share some of the cult like practices that keep their followers enslaved to them. I don't think we need to try to lump them together in some kind of Illuminati conspiracy.

    Just look at the doctrines that are easy to disprove, the history of scandals and false predictions and the hurtful policies in place today. That's all you need to show that either of the religions are BS. Avoid the conspiracy theories that can't be proven.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    For the record, I was being sarcastic about the Illuminati. David Ike gives me the creeps (and the giggles).

  • undercover

    I caught your sarcasm, Drew...

    I'm not so sure ProdigalSon was being sarcastic...

  • KW13

    I think some of the ideas you've got like opening your the eyes of your spouse to the Mormons by comparing to JW's are brilliant. IT can take years to free a mind though, so be patient and don't push past your wifes limit as it can have quite a negative effect on your relationship and family life. Overall, do your best to be happy, upbeat, positive and as constructive as you can be. Congratulations on getting your freedom and Welcome to JWD.

  • changeling

    Welcome! It's great to have you here!

    Consider yourself lucky for having been a Mormon and not a JW. JW's are way creepier.


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