Greetings from a recovering mormon

by FormerMormon 114 Replies latest jw friends

  • Qcmbr

    Dang I wish we had been funded by the Illuminati. The church was broke for the first part its life thanks to the mob rule of early US history. I do believe the US owes the LDS church swathes of land that was stolen from them.

    Recovering Mormon dude I'm watching for any sensationalism - now go do some home teaching:P

  • Junction-Guy

    Hello and welcome to JWD.

    I have a couple of questions

    1. How do former and recovering Mormons view the possibility of Mitt Romney as president? Do you believe that most former Mormons (especially those who still retain a belief in God) would vote for the opposing candidate, even if it be Hillary Clinton?

    2. Do you notice any concrete,real world damage to children raised as Mormons. Example---We as Jehovah's Witnesses were raised almost completely separated from our "worldly" peers, we were denied college educations, forbidden almost all normal childhood activities such as school sports, dating, boy scouts. Just about everything that most American youth take for granted, we were denied.

    Does mormonism compare to JW's in this aspect?

  • seven006


    It’s good to have an active ex-Mormon on the board. Could you answer a few questions for me. Not any kind of (prove it, cuz you’re wrong JW bullshit) type question but a few that come from what can be looked at as a collaboration of logical concepts.

    I am in complete agreement with your thoughts and technique regarding your wife and the “other guy’s apostates”. After all, in her mind, the JW religion and the JW apostates can’t both be wrong if they are in complete disagreement with each other. Same goes for the JW’s thoughts on and Mormonism. Not to mention the Scientologist, Christian Scientist, Adventist, Amish, etc.

    So, What’s the latest on the ex-Mormon take of the two different Hill Cumorahs and DNA issues?

    Take care and welcome,


  • queasy

    I was just listening to Sandra Tanner speaking on the bible answer man, on the internet today (Gooogle it), it was a great discussion.

    I have mormon missionary friends and know other ex mormons.

    Great to hear that you got out, it is a truely difficult time leaving the cults, in particular the JW/Mormon movements.

    Hope your family follow you eventually

  • dogisgod

    Are you voting FOR Marie Osmond?

  • Shawn10538


  • mamochan13


    Years ago I read the book of Mormon. At the time I remember thinking "who would believe this kind of nonsense?" Of course I was still blinded by JW dogma.

    I am curious about mormon beliefs - one thing I've noticed among my mormon acquaintances that is not true of Jws (or others for that matter) is that they seem to have really strong families. I always wondered how they managed to keep their families so close and admired them for it.

    Southpark did a very funny show targetting Mormons. I can't recall the details offhand, but it did get to the heart of some of the more "out there" beliefs, as Southpark will do.

    I have a cousin who was raised Salvation Army. As an adult she's left the faith and seems to share many of the issues we do. So I guess there is a commonality to the "escape from the cult" experience, even though there are many differences.

  • KW13

    i remember the southpark episode...loved that one...dumb dumb dumb

    watch it live here -

  • sass_my_frass

    Hi and welcome. Isn't it liberating to know how very much the same we all turned out to be? We think our experience is so unique, but it really isn't.

    Hope you're ok.

  • FormerMormon

    Hello again.

    Wow. I thought I was going to hell for posting at postmormon. I'm REALLY in for it by talking to you heathens. You do know we are supposed to be mutually exclusive!! How can I think I am better than you if my church isn't true??? Damn... I'll have to find another reason.

    re: illuminati. While I believe conspiracies do exist, I think there is a lot of unsubstantiated rumours about them. Mormons are big into geneology. I descend from a cousin of ole Joe. I can trace my geneology back to Adam 7 times (If bible and royal family histories can be believed). I have never heard of any maravignian (sp?) bloodline. I agree with other posters. There is SOOOO much else to hang the mormon religion with. Why use the unsubstantiated or speculative?

    I am a recent former mormon. I was true blue 5 months ago. Even before then, I didn't care for Mitt Romney. He is a big government wishy washy abortionist. No thank you. I know many mormons have a near orgasm at the thought of having a mormon president. I saw quite a few eyes glaze over when I would ask fellow mormons about his big state health care and changing positions on gays and abortion. Cognitive dissonance works well for Mitt in the LDS church.

    Mormons do the Boy Scout, civic involvement thing. I have a college degree, if you accept BYU as a real college. For me, the church gave me some serious brain damage growing up as a child. As long as people don't actually believe the words and doctrines being taught, the mormon church would be a great place to raise a family---on one condition. The mormon church is an all or nothing entity. You are either all in, or going to hell. If you can manage not to believe that crap, you run into the problem I have recently run into-- the mixed family. Because of my newfound disbelief, and my honesty with myself, I will not lie to get a temple recommend so I can go to relatives weddings, etc. The mormons are very pro family, as long as everyone in the family is "in line" with the church. I will note that the pro family thing is a RECENT and conditionally healthy change for the mormons. My great great grandmother was young and in love when church leadership told her it was god's will she marry this old fart instead. She did. Years later, as the family story goes, a black horsedrawn carrige drove up to the farm. GGgrandma came out and said to her young children "kids, I'd like you to meet your father." It was time for another insemination. You CANNOT tell me that was pro family.

    The exmormon take on DNA and two Cumorah's is...(ready with the drum roll)... The LDS church is a damn heresy. The indians did not descend from the hebrews. Two huge precolumbian civilizations did not extinguish themselves in battle on a militarily insignificant hill in Joseph's backyard. (without leaving ANY evidence.)

    Marie who?? She has had more last names than Zina Huntington Jacobs Smith Young.

    So what are the BIG unconscionable acts by leaders, the big false prophecies, the big "sanitizing of history etc of your former faith? Are there heart wrenching stories of great pain, deception and mental damage? I'd like to know what doozy stories I can tell the wife to prepare her to hear the same in my church. (the "FORCE" of cognitive dissonance runs strong in my family) -- Oh wait... were you guys allowed to see Star Wars???

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