Greetings from a recovering mormon

by FormerMormon 114 Replies latest jw friends

  • FormerMormon

    Here is my story as a Moron.

    I was born in the lds church, am in 40's, returned missionary, married in the temple, still active and HATING IT. I w as horribly scarred in primary(youth group) at the age of 5 with a hell fire damnation sermon. For weeks I remember being consumed with fear... knowing I MUST FORCE MYSELF TO DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO AVOID THE HELL THEY MENTIONED. The brain damage got worse at 7 (grandma died) when I was introduced to the horribly irresponsible and poorly defined subject of becoming a son of perdition. (No forgiveness if you deny the Holy Ghost--cast into outer darkness) I seriously heard voices "denying the Holy Ghost", and scarring the S**T out of me. Had I become a SOP??? I created a desired "righteous self" and a much feared "wicked possibility self". Suicide, and the like, were feared potentialities, not that I wanted it, but it was part of my feared possible wicked self. My mind could never "make the deal" and allow myself to think I was righteous, when logic dictated otherwise.

    I have never committed any of the church "biggies", except when I fail to do hometeaching and thereby assuming their blood and sins for three generations. Mission was HELL. I was a workaholic, but could never could become "THE MACHINE" I was told I should be.

    I had been too scared to leave the church, even though it was a consistent reminder of what a worm I am. Desperate to find answers, I turned to FARMS (an apologetics group affiliated with BYU). While researching different subjects on hell fire damnation, I come across apologetics for the Book of Abraham, Kinderhook, Zina and think WTF??? I've never heard this before.

    For awhile, I tried to justify Zina's, Brigham and Joseph's polyandry with "we are children. God is the adult and can do adult things, like polyandry... or even the conception of Jesus". In the back pages of LDS doctrine, Brigham Young taught that Jesus was concieved by the physical UNION of a presumably married father god and the single girlfriend of a mortal man(Mary). --The very definitions of adultery and fornication. I am glad I wasn't Joseph, Mary's other sex partner. Joseph Smith shared other men's wives. What is it with the name Joseph and wife sharing anyway??? I have no feelings of marital inadequacies, but if I knew my new brides (Mary) last lover was GOD, I think I might just be a little intimidated. Ladies, you know once you have HADA GOD, you can never... (and you JW's thought you had some whacky doctrines)

    I then start reading writing from the founders, Jefferson, Franklin and Thomas Paine (blessed be his name). I start to think, maybe the church is not AS TRUE as it has been presented to me. Then an amazing thing happened, I STARTED FEELING LEVELS OF SANITY I HAVE NEVER FELT BEFORE IN MY LIFE. I admitted the possibility that it might not be true.

    Anymore when I go to church(with the wife), I look around and think how pathetic it is. The wife is TBM and whenever I bring up church history she SCREAMS "I don't know, I wasn't there, I don't care... the church is true". Strangely, when she blows up about this, she usually comes back within the hour very lovey dovey. I am looking at how to phase out and keep the family intact. I DONT WANT MY POSTERITY TO HAVE THE S**T SCARED OUT OF THEM AS I WAS. I do miss the assurance of an afterlife, validity of eternal families, celestial kingdom, etc. I want them to be true, but can't see how they can be, given the mountain of evidence, and the character of the "revelators" who restored these "truths".

    I recently read an article on how organized religion CAUSES insanity. I bear witness that I know that the article is true and that organized religion causes mental illness and I say these things in the name of Thomas Paine, Amen.

    "Any system of religion that has anything in it that shocks the mind of a child, cannot be a true system." Thomas Paine, Age of Reason

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    JW's don't have an equivalent of the Fast and Testimony meeting.

    I do think their "theocratic school and service meeting" is kind of similar. There are certain points where the audience is encouraged to share stories of the field ministry and such. But it is not a weekly thing, only appearing as part of the program from time to time. From what I understand the Fast and Testimony meeting can be a bit more casual and emotional, while the JWs are pretty dry in the way they go about it.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    Anymore when I go to church(with the wife), I look around and think how pathetic it is. The wife is TBM and whenever I bring up church history she SCREAMS "I don't know, I wasn't there, I don't care... the church is true". Strangely, when she blows up about this, she usually comes back within the hour very lovey dovey. I am looking at how to phase out and keep the family intact. I DONT WANT MY POSTERITY TO HAVE THE S**T SCARED OUT OF THEM AS I WAS. I do miss the assurance of an afterlife, validity of eternal families, celestial kingdom, etc. I want them to be true, but can't see how they can be, given the mountain of evidence, and the character of the "revelators" who restored these "truths".

    I went through such a similar thing. My wife held on to the JWs because of the emotion, I was sad in loosing the 'security' I thought I had. Eventually she opened up and we both left the JWs togeather.

    Giver her time, it will work out.

    Thanks so much for sharing your story.

  • nvrgnbk

    ex-JWs and ex-MOs are kindred spirits.

    Exactly, undercover.

    Welcome, FormerMormon.

    I enjoy lurking on Further Light And Knowledge

    Do you post there?

  • TD

    Hi Drew,

    From what I understand the Fast and Testimony meeting can be a bit more casual and emotional, while the JWs are pretty dry in the way they go about it.

    I've only been to one and that was years ago. To me there seemed to be a certain canned quality to it. --Words and phrases you could tell the participants had picked up from church literature. It reminded me of JW comments at their Watchtower and book studies, but I think you're right. You would notice the same thing at any JW meeting that had audience participation.

  • dinah

    Nice to meet you FormerMorman,

    There are alot of similarities. I remember when I was researching several years ago I found seven religions that were connected. I remember Morman, JW, Seventh Day Advent, Christadelphian, and Worldwide Church of God being connected through Russell somehow--can't remember the others and dont feel like searching for my notebook.

    It's a small world.

  • FormerMormon

    Thanks all for your thoughts. Ninja, your dog may be harder to please but my Karma ran over your Dogma.

    I had stewed in the church for years. I could never come to grips with it's use of extreme hope and fear. It seemed that leaders could say or do anything as long as it was felt that it would shove the sheeple in the right direction, get more work out of them etc. When I called them on their particular choice of threatening words, they would blow it off by saying stuff like "there are times when the prophet speaks as a prophet and times when he speaks as a man". Other radical statements were blown off with "That's more of a saying or couplet than doctrine".

    My "aha" moments came when I read about some troubling lds history. Some of the troubling stuff I found was:

    Joseph's Myth went behind husbands back, explaining "celestial marriage" to their wives and then married them.

    Joesph's Myth translated a forgery known as the Kinderhook Plates (wiki it)

    The Papyrus that Joe translated the Book of Abraham from were rediscovered in 1967. They have nothing to do with Abraham.

    Brigham Young asked for and married the wife of Henry Jacobs, without a divorce. She was 8 months pregnant when she "married" brigham.

    Joe married women behind Emma's back and without her permission as prescribed by "scripture".

    I believe in the golden rule. What these men did SOOOO egregiously violated that, I couldn't see any way a loving god would channel through these a$$holes.

    I have seen too many changes in church "scripture". Significant changes. I have read the many accounts and seen the evolution of the first vision story. I don't like clandestine changes. Then there were the changes to the temple ceremony. OMG.... I didn't like how church leaders history was so scrubbed of anything negative. We are to never question or speak evil of the prophet... and so their deification is assured. I hated reading their stories, because I just didn't measure up. I didn't always have the "spirit" to be with me, like they did.

    I would like to be able to show my wife the disturbing, unconscionable actions by leaders. Scrubbing and sanitizing history. Changing / evolving doctrines. Changing scripture. False prophecies.

    I don't want to read anything into your history, but do you have examples or resources or stories demonstrating these things?

    Thanks, and yes, we are kindred spirits.

  • onacruse

    I would like to be able to show my wife the disturbing, unconscionable actions by leaders. Scrubbing and sanitizing history. Changing / evolving doctrines. Changing scripture. False prophecies.

    I don't want to read anything into your history, but do you have examples or resources or stories demonstrating these things?

    How many terabytes of storage capacity do you have on your computer? LOL

  • ProdigalSon

    Hello FormerMormon

    You probably know by now that the Mormons and JW's were funded and founded by the same Rothschild/Illuminati money. If there's any mind-control cult more dangerous than the Watchtower I think its the Mormons.

    Not to worry, you found your way here and you are well on your way to recovery.


  • saywhat29

    I just wanted to say that I thought you guys had it better; I wanted a bike instead of being stuck in a smelly ol' car group! I would be stuck in a car with a 'stain' in the back seat of some sort that my obsessive personality could not ignore.

    And being able to just wear a tie and a white shirt and black slacks- awesom! Three piece suits and what not?

    Not awesome. I remember being told that it was important that we wear our jackets as to not get confused with you guys.

    when realy the householder, if interested just had to pick which type of crazy they wanted whenever they ran into our messages.

    Welcome, by the way!

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