by AllTimeJeff 22 Replies latest social physical

  • DanTheMan

    Michigan looked really bad in this one.

    Go Bucks!

  • AllTimeJeff

    Oh, the bitterness. At least Lloyd Carr is leaving he is a very good, not great coach.... Oh well, nothing much to do.... Just endure another year of obnoxious O St fans at work.... I will now vent by telling this very true joke:

    Do you know how to get an Ohio St grad off your porch? Pay him for the pizza!

  • freydo

    Time to analyze the BCS again. What a joke. Let's just imagine, leaving out those important entrees from Ohio and Michigan, he he he, and that Ala/Fla/Tex go undefeated along with Iowa, Boise and Cincy. Who's supposed to be #1? Or even better, they all stumble and we wind up with about a dozen teams with one loss. Reminds me of the NFL owners debate, for at least 10 years, about whether to have instant replay to get bad calls right. But now that the Fed is monetizing the deficit and gold is liable to go to $7000 and everything denominated in $$'s goes into the tank, and everybody gets sick from taking the swine flu shot, I suppose it doesn't much matter.

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