What Kind of Woman Do you Men Really Want in a Relationship ?

by flipper 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • BIG D
    BIG D

    Someone who like me has learned that you have to be happy with yourself first, and then we can be happy together, no one can make you happy.

    Someone who loves kids as much as i do, they are the pinnacle of your life,

    Someon who realizes these are the golden years of our lives, right now

    Someone who we talk about growing old together, who can always depend on each other

    Someone whose eyes i get lost in

    Someone i long to be near, and who makes me think about them alll day

    Someone i cherish, and treat as my best friend

    big d

  • Clam

    Men want to be really close to someone who will leave them alone.


  • aquagirl

    one of my best friends is 42,has waist length curly black hair,smart outgoing,very fit and curvy[she is a dancer],and kindergarden teacher,and beeeeautiful..all she meets are duds that lie to her and cheat on her..why?if i were a man,id snag her and run away w.her.she is very assertive,and maybe honesty is her best/worst trait..she is generous,and maybe a bit naive about reading people.gets taken advantage alot.i fixed her up w/a friend of mine,and he cheated on her.said he didnt like the fact that she would sometimes burp in front of him and act like one of the gys,altho he agreed that she was a demon in bed..and hair to die for..so what is the problem?..i see these skanks getting men left and right.but women like my friend are single and looking..what do men really want????

  • BIG D
    BIG D

    set me up aquagirl,

    big d

  • aquagirl

    big d...she loves kids,is a kindergarden teacher,loves to kayak,swim,hike..shes a dream!!but dosent wear makeup or fuss over hers nails or stuff.dosent need to really.dosent smoke cigs,rarely drinks,i cant see why maine men are not interested,unless she is just meeting the wrong men...

  • BIG D
    BIG D

    sounds to me that the men are imature, she needs a guy like me, pm me, im not joking, i share many of her attritutubes,

    big d

  • flipper

    WANDERLUST GUY- Your take on what you would like to do for your lady, is exactly what I do for Mrs. Flipper on weekends, and what she does for me in the morning, make coffee that is ! And all the other stuff ! But , yeah we are crazy for each other and really enjoy our time together. To make a relationship last, it's what you need ! It does seem that some guys here want to have the benefit of a relationship , be with a woman briefly, then have her go away ! Well, if the woman wants that also, it's cool, however most women want more of our time, attention , and affection! They want the whole enchilada , and if we as guys want it to last with one woman, we ought to take that to heart! But, on the flip side of that coin, if what you are looking for is just a casual relationship and friends with benefits type relationship, there are ladies out there who are looking for that too!

    Personally, I'm the kind of guy that I really want to get into my woman , in all ways possible, and her into me ! Kind of like what Wanderlust Guy described ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper .Keep the posts up, this is interesting !

  • flipper

    Just wanted to bump this obscure thread up from my archives from long ago. Might make some interesting discussions ! LOL! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • leec

    1 honest

    2 full of love

    3 smart

    4 introspectively confident

    5 kinda cute

    ... in that order.

  • flipper

    Been working my tail off all night since yesterday- finally can respond to this after it got bumped up.

    LEEC- Excellent qualities you are looking for in a female companion ! There are some great gals out there with those qualities - just have to look ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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