Did I just get the mark of the beast?

by bite me 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • bite me
    bite me

    I was logging onto the site today (my log in does not stay because I am on a public computer) so whenI was prompt to put in my email address and pass word and the security number that allows your log in to be successful, my number was 1666

    as I have stumbled on, that is the exact same number of pages that the NWT, I'm not even a JW or never been. Is someone/thing trying to tell me something? lol

  • BrentR

    They have laser technology now that does a great job of removing them.

  • Gopher

    And here I thought you had a dog bite !! Glad that didn't happen.

    As far as the 1-6-6-6 thing, that's just Simon (our forum's owner) testing your loyalty.

  • Aleman

    What a twisted way of loking at things! Man your crazy!

    Just kidding thuo... don't take these words seriously.


  • bite me
    bite me

    you say, don't take these words seriously, ah man I was going to go in and get lasered. lol I know the numbers mean nothing, it's all computer generated. it was just kind of weird in a funny way because the other day I had three 7's. I guess on that day I should have bought a lotto ticket! lol now if I get three 3's then someone loves me aww. .lol

  • JCanon

    C'MON! YOU are the anti-christ! You know it. We know it.

    We've been WAITING for you to start the apocolypse! Hey? What are you waiting for. This old word sucks!


    P.S. The antiChrist is supposed to be really cute, just like you, so don't let the mirror fool you! Do what you were meant to do! Work the SIXes! 666 = sick-sick-sick (i.e. as in sick those wild dogs onto the ungodly word and lets get Armageddon going!!) There THE MAN!

  • cyd0099

    I collect receipts of the beast. $6.66

  • bite me
    bite me

    You should ask for a price adjustment. lol

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