So... is everyone here an x JW? Or currently??

by Elyse867 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2think


    Im a fader too. Thank you for sharing your story

  • cyd0099

    Moved around a bit, Was miserable and friendless at the KH, Figured I could be just as miserable without elders and others breathing down my neck so I walked away... Was miserable for a long time, had much residual guilt, felt unworthy and without a future for the longest time. Feel much better now. Grew my hair, had girlfriends grew a beard, got pierced, got tattooed, the inner me is finally showing on the outside.

    Welcome to the board!

  • reneeisorym

    Hi ! Thanks for sharing your story. I was raised a JW too. Now I'm an EXJW and I get frustrated that my family can't be a normal part of my life. Hope you really find comfort in knowing other people here understand your situation.


  • Sirona


    I think you should be SO PROUD of yourself! You are raising your child wonderfully and supporting him. You have broken free from the JW cult.

    Give yourself a pat on the back.


  • Serg

    Welcome to JWD!

    Same situation. Fader - undercover "apostate". I'm 3rd gen. j-dub. My wife is a 2nd gen j-dub with a great amount of blind-loyalty to the organization. Not me!

  • R.F.

    I walked away 6 months ago and i'm in good standing with the congregation. I should be on the inactive list starting this month.

  • TheCoolerKing

    Welcome aboard Elyse!!! Glad you found your way here! Feel free to vent about whatever you want. No DFing on this site!

    Like many here, I'm an x-JW. I was a 3rd generation witness and was raised in the "Troof". I walked away from it all in my early 20's and never looked back...

    Hope to read more from you!


  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Welcome Elyse867 !!!

    Personally, I am an elder in "good standing". And a full blown under cover grade A "Apostate", however I prefer the term "Freedom Fighter".

    Will be launching in to fade mode within the next couple years

    - just trying to save as many souls from the clutches of the WTS as I can before I begin to fade away...

    Peace to you, and once again - WELCOME!!!!

    The Oracle

  • changeling

    Fader here. Or more to be more exact: faded.



  • Bobbi


    I faded for many years without making a conscious choice until this summer I made the choice to walk away.

    My sons had their first Halloween this year and my 5 year old had his first birthday party. I have been
    shopping for christmas already.

    My parents shun me already , I can't wait for them to find out when I DA.

    My In-laws are starting to circle the wagons and I sense a show down in the near future.

    Welcome to the madhouse, you will laugh and cry, and heal.


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