Growing a Beard.

by Priest73 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    Awwww, come on gentlemen. This thread is worthless without photographs. Here's me after about a couple weeks growth.

    TinyPic image

  • noni1974

    I think I should let my beard grow.I think men find it dead sexy on a woman.

  • erynw

    And here's me after a couple of weeks. I like to keep mine trimmed nice and neat just like Chuckie Russel did.


  • NotaNess

    Could have done without the Steelers Logo JK

    I shave every couple of days cause I can't stand shaving.

    WHAT'S YOUR CHOICE INSTRUMENT FOR SHAVING? I go with straight up twin or triple blade razors with gel strip. I have an electric that I wore out, I need to replace the cover and blade attachment. I'm too lazy about it.

  • buffalosrfree

    I grew one several years ago, and the elders about had a fit, brother(s) hounder mentioned that it wasn't allowed, and I told him you aren't my dad and I don't check with you or anyone else about my grooming. I'm an adult, if you have a scripture that says no beard growing, well then maybe I might give it some consideration but until you can show me one the mind your own business. He then replied we have talked the BOE that is and you won't be given any priviledges, and I said good, because a priviledge is something you strive for and holding a microphone, or counting heads or even walking in the parking lot helping to provide security isn't a priviledge. Leave me alone. Well oddly enough they did, although I would get stared at a lot by them and their wives, in fact one ole bitch was giving me the evil eye one day just prior to the meeting betting started and I walked over to her and in a little louder voice than I normally use I asked her why is she staring at me, does she have a problem, if not, does she want one, because I don't like people looking at me like you have been doing, so stop it. Well you could have heard a pin drop after that and then he asshole of a husband comes rushing over and wants to know if their is a problem and I told him I don't like the way your wife is looking at me and I want it stopped. I also asked him do you have a problem with that? He sheepishly went back to his seat in the back and shut his mouth. Well needless to say that didn't help my popularity there, but then again i didn't care then and don't care now. I eventually shaved it off it just got to be annoying.

  • Mincan

    buffalosrfree, great strory!

    I love facial hair styles, I've tried so many.

    Hey check out this picture I made of the names of the various styles!

    I personally perfer the short boxed beard and the viking beard! I'm growing mine out, I'm only 21, so it takes a couple months to come in decently, and I don't have full converage, but young men should be proud of their young man beards! A privelege of youth. (Notice the "boy" style, lol)


  • marmot

    NotaNess, I use an old-fashioned straight razor and a badger hair shaving brush. I went with a straight razor because I have very sensitive skin and those cartridge disposables are terrible, even the quintuple-bladed techno razors that they advertise so incessantly on TV. A straight razor won't clog up like those multi-blade pieces of crap, and it's much cheaper than laying out $15 a pop for a packet of cartridges.

    My shaving cream of choice is J.M. Fraser's, a nice inexpensive cream that makes a thick lather with a mild lemony fragrance.

    I get it for around $7 a tub at barber supply stores and one tub lasts about 6 to 8 months.

    This place carries it if you want to order online but they're a bit more expensive because they're in the US and the Canadian dollar is really strong.

  • primitivegenius

    have to go with the fact that some people look good with a beard and some dont.

    had a guy i worked with who happened to have the nastiest beard i have ever seen........ looked like someone glued pubic hair all over his face................ so we convinced him to shave cause he HAD to look better without that nasty beard...............

    then he shaved.................... we told him he should grow it back............. cause a perfectly normal beard was doing a wonderful thing covering up that face..................... scarey lol

  • Paralipomenon

    My facial hair is two toned. It comes in either platinum blonde or light brown.

    From a distance the blonde isn't really visible so it looks like I've shaved patches of my face and not others. Not really the look I'm going for.

  • momzcrazy

    My husband officially has a circle beard, and we've been calling it a goatee all these years. Shame! He started growing his hair and beard the day he left the borg. His hair is 3/4 down his back and his circle beard is so long that when he rides is Harley he has to tie it. I personally like it.

    At one of the last meetings I went to the brother said one of the first signs of a man leaving was his growing out his facial hair. I thought it was meeting attendance, service, etc. I guess I'm wrong.


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