For the ladies. Do you think that when you.....

by NotaNess 236 Replies latest jw friends

  • changeling

    Merry: I love the cute burka icon!

  • Crumpet

    When I was single and went clubbing and wanted attention I would wear the tight short black dress (to show off my tight body), fishnet stockings (to show off my long legs), and three inch heels (to give me that nice sexy sway when I walked). Yeah I knew what I was doing but didn't quite believe that what I wore had that much power over men so I decided to test it one night and I wore a nice black suit that hit me just below my knees with a nice top that didn't show any cleavage, no fishnet stockings, and slightly lower heels. No one asked me to dance, didn't even get a look.


    I can well believe all of that Mrs Jones! Do you have any pics of either of the above? I find the stares are pretty unpredictable. I find if I trudge down the street head down in my combats no hoots, no whistles, barely a glance. But if I wear exactly the same combats and stride down grinning listening to my music, swinger my hips to the Killers I invariably get hooted at, often stopped and asked for my number. I don't object at all. But I MUCH MUCH prefer it when the women car drivers look than the men. Its not all about what clothes we put on and what we reveal. Its a lot to do with attitude.

  • NotaNess

    OK, so there's people here proving their hypocracy, some being sexist and some who just don't think properly, but say others are ignorant.

    Man, there's all types here aren't there? Meanwhile, I'm still the one who stated the facts which will never change, and I got slapped around.

    The topic still remains true after all of this: If you dress to reveal yourselves, no matter if it's for other females or males, you're gonna get stared at. Maybe even some unwanted staring, but you have to understand it's because you look like you want people to notice your goods, while at the same time being fashionable.

    Just don't blame guys for over extending their glances. It's mostly because of what YOU'RE wearing. Don't have such a problem with them, you're wearing clothing that says "look at me". If you are a female that doesn't like the stares, don't dress so revealing. People WILL look at you like you're a party girl, or someone who is "easy". Not all, but some.

    That's it...end of thread, nothing to see here folks..move along.

  • sweetstuff
    If you are a female that doesn't like the stares, don't dress so revealing. People WILL look at you like you're a party girl, or someone who is "easy". Not all, but some.

    That's it...end of thread, nothing to see here folks..move along.

    Good point Ness, so ladies, if you want to weed out the males who have archaic attitudes towards what a woman is, dress "revealing", and the ones who actually see past that and take the time to get to know you, have a brain worth getting to know. The ones who assume you are "easy" aren't worth your time anyway. They are modern day cavemen who are most likely the jealous sort, who will throw a hissy fit when a guy looks at you, even when you are completely covered and somehow blame you for bringing it on, "you must have given him a look or something".

  • NotaNess

    mental note: revamp 1st line of my last post, and set it to bold font.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    For you Nota - you may find you need it:

    I've been following but not commenting so far. I do think the way you worded your initial post was inflammatory but, trying to see beyond that, I think I understand what you were trying to say - not sure if I fully agree or not though...

  • mrsjones5
    I can well believe all of that Mrs Jones! Do you have any pics of either of the above?

    I think I have one or two pics somewhere I should find them and use them as an incentive to lose weight...oh to look like 25 again *insert wistful look here*


  • AllTimeJeff
    OK, so there's people here proving their hypocracy, some being sexist and some who just don't think properly, but say others are ignorant.

    Definition of Ignorant:

    1. Lacking education or knowledge.
    2. Showing or arising from a lack of education or knowledge: an ignorant mistake.
    3. Unaware or uninformed.

    Personally, I think the premise for this thread falls under definition #3. But you are saying that calling someone ignorant is a bad thing? Only when we admit our ignorance can we learn and enlighten ourselves. I'm not trying to sound "above it all." Thats just the truth. And to have the archaic attitude that women shouldn't be dressed a certain way or if they do expose cleavage, that they invite gawking stares is an "unaware and/or uninformed" opinion. I would add unenlightened as well.

    Even if you don't gawk Ness, you certainly have defended those that do. Thats just wrong. Sorry. It isn't the womans fault, it is the piggish male who may have been raised to think that treating and viewing women like that is acceptable. But it is now time to re-educate all men. This is nuts to have to defend letting a woman dress and act like they wish, but I guess it is necesarry.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Jeff, we're all animals in the end--denying it isn't realistic.

  • reneeisorym

    I have worn things in the past with the intention of getting noticed. When I have worn those things, I expected to be looked at.

    Now I rarely ever wear those things because I'm a married woman and would rather not attract other men. What irritates the snot out of me is the way the men at work look at me! My pants do tend to fit a bit tightly on my rear because I have "back" ... just what happens when pants fit me everywhere else. I never show cleavage -- or tight shirts but have DD's ... I honestly can't dress any more modest without wearing baggy clothes. Men make comments about how much they like my various parts.. I HATE it ... Comments like "well you really are a nice looking girl" in the course of a converstation would be fine. What I hate is this: "I just can't help looking at your backside" or taking pictures of my chest and setting it as their cell phone background..! ugh!

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