Bets on when the UN prophecy will be dropped?

by marmot 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • marmot

    Now that I'm free to bet, I figured it would be neat to start a pool on when the Watchtower is going to change light bulbs on the prophecy about the United Nations turning on worldwide religion.

    There is no doubt in my mind that this prediction will be dropped. Not only is this the longest-running unchanged prediction in the WT's history (1925 and 1975 had much shorter gestations) it's the last detailed concrete prediction the society has left in its bag of tricks. They've already admitted that Jesus' "composite sign" has been going for almost a century and the 1914 generation doctrine has been effectively neutered. It must also sting that their last Kingdom News on false religion (that also had a nice color picture of the wild beast, but no explanation) fizzled so spectacularly.

    It's quite telling that the witnesses aren't encouraged to use this prediction in the field ministry. It seems like it would be a surefire way to get people to convert, just tell them to watch for when the UN turns on religion and then come join. Fact is, the society doesn't emphasize it because it doesn't want to look like a bunch of dumbasses when the governing body changes its tune. You have to admit you'd look like a complete crackpot trying to tell the masses that the inept, corrupt and hopelessly bureaucratic United Nations is going to destroy organized religion and bring about the end of the world. That's why that little tidbit is only saved for the bookstudy, which a large proportion of dubs miss anyway.

    One only has to examine the history of the Watchtower to see that every single one of their big detailed predictions bombed. Even 1914 had to be amended after the fact (nearly three decades later) to make it a "spiritual fulfillment". After all, this prophecy was first put forward in the early 60s back when the UN was still young and idealistic, unlike today's international muppet show.

    I have $5 on them getting a flash of light within the next ten years and telling us that the events in Revelation have already happened, on a spiritual level.

    Now somebody teach me how a betting pool works.

  • oompa
    their last Kingdom News on false religion (that also had a nice color picture of the wild beast, but no explanation) fizzled so spectacularly.

    How so, I missed the news? You ask a good question, but I wonder if 1914 will be totally dropped as Jesus presence occuring then. To answer your question though....only when the UN folds..........oompa

  • marmot

    About the kingdom news, it was supposed to kick-start the great tribulation (at least in the congregation where I was at the time).

    The elder who unveiled it on stage was practically busting at the seams with excitement saying the end was so near that he could smell it.

    And what did it actually accomplish? Out of how many zillions were distributed a few hundred people wrote in asking for copies of the Bible Teach book and there were a couple of experiences about people confronting annoyed clergy. Whoop-de-freakin-doo.

  • chappy

    Dec. 21, 2012...all in, even money. Any takers?


  • proplog2

    The UN prophecy will be dropped when the UN is destroyed by a nuclear blast along with the rest of Manhattan & the Watchtower headquarters.

  • fresia

    I think they won't mention much about the UN it seems to be a no go zone, they used to really give them heaps but has sort of arsed in the corner.

    I noticed on the on those leaflets, a faint little mosque tower almost had to get my binoculars to see it, why is that it was about the destruction of BTG not just Christedom.

  • Clam

    While we're talking betting pools, I was wondering who the next celebrity would be to find "the truth" I'm going for Britney Spears.(5/2?)

    Marmot this could be a lucrative engagement, there's much scope for betting here on JWD, such as when and if the WTS will make the 144,000 a figurative number, and any other new light designed to get them out of the $hit.


  • oompa

    Good thought Clam, she is perfect for it....I'm active again.....and going to try and study with poor young Brit....oompa

  • blondie

    Actually the WTS has distanced itself from the "UN" identification and mentions only some governmental elements in the UN.

    *** w05 1/15 p. 19 par. 16 Foregleams of God’s Kingdom Become a Reality ***Soon, Jehovah will move the world’s political elements to unite in efforts to expose and devastate the spiritual harlot Babylon the Great. (Revelation 17:15-17; 18:21)

    *** w05 9/15 p. 19 par. 13 Walk by Faith, Not by Sight! ***Likewise today, Bible prophecy indicates that militarized powers within the United Nations will see religion as a disturbing element and will act to destroy modern-day Jerusalem—Christendom—as well as the rest of Babylon the Great. (Revelation 17:12-17) Yes, the entire world empire of false religion stands on the brink of destruction.

    *** w04 2/1 p. 21 par. 14 "The Scene of This World Is Changing" ***First, the kings of the earth (the political part of Satan’s organization) will turn on the supporters of Babylon the Great (the religious part) and will destroy them. (Revelation 17:1, 15-18)

  • marmot

    Wow, I've been to all (well, most) of those Watchtower studies and I never noticed that stand creeping in. The first time I ever noticed they were distancing themselves was in the last Kingdom News tract, where they show a picture of the wild beast but they only give a vague reference to "learn more in the book 'Revelation: Its Grand Climax at Hand' - publishedbyJehovah'sWitnesses(tm)."

    It seems like they're laying the groundwork for a cover-my-ass campaign. Stating that "certain militarized elements within the United Nations" will turn against false religion is a completely vague cop-out. That's like saying "certain members of the human species who breathe air" will turn on false religion. The only world governments who aren't active members of the UN are Taiwan and the Vatican. Wow, I'm relieved to know they're not a part of the prophecy.

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