Easily verifiable proofs please

by Eyes Open 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    Hello all,

    This is my first post here. Apologies I haven't introduced myself first, but I will do - just short of time right now. In the meantime, please know I'm glad to have come to the knowledge I have and to have found sites like this one.

    I will shortly be presenting some concerns to my Witness parents (as in about a week from now), and two of the items are doctrine changes and NWT inaccuracies.

    I've been finding doctrine changes aplenty on the net of course, often referring to old literature, but I need to give them things they can look up and see for themselves. I would very much appreciate your advice on what I can show them using the Watchtower Library CD, as well as "Then Is Finished The Mystery Of God" if that's of any help. I think my Grandma also has an Aid to Bible Understanding book we could borrow too.

    Also, if you have suggestions on resources and scholarly books I can buy quickly to prove mistranslations in the NWT that would be great. I currently have Manual Grammar of the Greek New Testament in my basket.

    I'm not being lazy; it's just I need to do this as well as I can given the very limited time I have and know that a lot of you are far more familiar with JW theology and schenanigans, and their weaknesses. (My disbelief is due to learning about things which invalidate the bible as well as modern-day interpretations of apocalypse rather than convoluted JW doctrine.)

    I'll probably only get one crack at this, and I love my family. Thanks very much.

  • stillajwexelder

    welcome to the board

  • blueviceroy

    you sound like a wonderful person

  • Leolaia

    Hopefully Atlantis will be here soon with a link to the Kingdom Interlinear. That is the best resource to point out translation flaws in the NWT, as it was published by the Society itself and handily presents the original (i.e. original as the basis for the NWT) Greek text.

  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    Thanks for the welcome, the compliment (I do?) and the heads up on Atlantis. We have the Kingdom Interlinear of the Greek, and I've been looking at page 1158 and trying to get to grips with what scholars like Dr. Mantey are saying.

    I'm off to bed now and look forward to carrying on tomorrow. Cheers.

  • Gerard

    I think that you must first define exactly what you want to acomplish. Rocking the boat from every single possible angle can be fun but can also be terrifying if you don't have the economic means to support yourself and advance your studies.

    Define your intentions and set an achievable strategy. Read a lot about it and discuss it here for a while before taking it to the family arena.

    All the best.

  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    Still up...

    Thanks for the advice. I'm not economically dependent on them. I've been discussing quite a few things with my parents and want to show them they're being lied to. The two areas I've mentioned have come up in conversation so I have openings there.

    Will it work? Probably not. But I'm going to try anyway.

  • Atlantis


    Hopefully Atlantis will be here soon with a link to the Kingdom Interlinear.

    I will be back shortly with a download link!

    Cheers! Atlantis-

  • BabaYaga

    Eyes Open... just a quick word of advice... we nearly burst with enthusiasm when we learn the TRUTH about the (T)ruth... but beware... our bursting and blabbering everything all at once is more likely to cause a defense reaction and recoil and a psychological barrier.

    Take things as SLOW as you can. As much as you can, ask them QUESTIONS so that THEY ANSWER and begin to see the light in doubts of their own (Socratic method... cognitive dissonance.)

    Remember... so that they do not begin furiously DEFENDING the Borg, you must PLANT the seeds of doubt and WATER and TEND them GENTLY.

    I got some great suggestions when I had a similar question:

    Good luck, Hon. Tread gently.


  • Atlantis

    Eyes Open:

    WELCOME! Glad you are here!

    If you already have the KIT then I will post this download link for some of the other new ones who might need a copy.


    1969 Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures--download Searchable Click the link below and when the next page appears scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the link by the red arrow. http://www.sendspace.com/file/wujar4 Cheers! Atlantis-

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