half-way house for ex-Jdubs

by tula 54 Replies latest jw experiences

  • LongHairGal

    This is a very good topic and I am grateful for the informative posts on the subject.

    I also know somebody who has schizophrenia. They take medication but have still had breakdowns because of stresses of life. Their non-JW family feel the religion is partly responsible. This person is still active and I would never think of telling them my negative feelings about the religion for fear that they couldn't deal with it, so I keep silent.

    I am not an expert but I can tell you that I developed O.C.D. while being in the religion. I have read that this may or may not have a hereditary cause. While I will never know if I would have developed O.C.D. anyway, I strongly suspect that the religion had something to do with it.


  • ex-nj-jw
    Maybe they were drawn to the Witnesses because they were shown care and compassion and understanding.

    Uhm, probably not!!!


  • Alex Delta
    Alex Delta

    Rosalee, psychiatry is a field J' W's except, this scares the bee gee’s out of me. There's not one cure that a psychiatrist can claim. It's black and white that psychiatry is just another way humans have to have there hold on everything. They call everything a disease. It’s all a big excuse they use to cover up all the stress issues brought by this W.T. society. When you die and they cut you open the autopsy of your brain will show if there is any damage to it right. They have never found any physical abnormalities yet from anything a psychiatrist claims they have. That goes for Bipolar disorders, anxiety attacks, any emotional or even having Schizophrenia they can’t prove nothing. It’s all about the money, and ignorance. Psychiatry is a multi billion dollar market. Give a pill, cover your problem up, and hope for the best is how I see them working.

  • JK666


    I am surprised at your comments, it almost sounds like something Tom Cruise would say. Are you into Scientology?


  • lola28
    play nice people.
    this message seems to pop up on threads rosalee posts on......

    Ah Purplesofa I think the reason this happens is because posters are very quick to jump on her whenever she states her opinion, you really can’t place all the on blame her after all it does take two to tango. I’m very amused by the fact that many posters bemoan the fact that witnesses can’t do research with out facing consequences but when they do come here to do research they are told to go home, it’s fantastic because you just can’t win!


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