California Wildfires = The end?

by RollerDave 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    Can't wait til Fox blames it on Al Queda.

    Well, CNN has already blamed it on global warming....scheesch. Born and raised in Southern Calif. since the 50's, we've seen this before, not as many people involved, but it's all too familiar with the Santa Ana winds. The difference between now and then, is that contractors are building more housing in the past 25 years in 'wilderness' areas (high brush), so with the population growth, the numbers involved are predictable. We'll get through this, just like we have in the past.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Dave, what scripture did she cite in support of her assertion?

    1 Schwarzneggicles 3;16 - "For when you see the sagebrush and the creosote bush and the oily eucalypts burst into flame at the end of a long hot, dry summer, know that your stupidity is nigh."

  • jaguarbass

    I realized while in the cult for 31 years that every negative news event is a sign of the end.

    We've been having fires in Florida as long as I remember. I've been seeing them since the early 70's. Sometimes all we see is smoke.

  • Purza

    I truly think a lot of JWs buy in to what the media feeds them. Half of California is NOT burning. Yes, a good portion is burning and that is something that happens annually during this time of the year. This year it is worse than others, but it doesn't mean it is the end of mankind. I feel bad for the people in that situation, but life goes on for the rest of the world while this is happening -- although you wouldn't know that if you watched the news. JWs look for any little inkling that things are out of the norm. I am sure that global warming is a sign of the end as well.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I don't know what the situation is in California, but in other areas controlled burns are used to prevent the buildup of combustables to dangerous levels.

    The resistance to controlled burns often comes from Greenies who worry about the fluffy little animals.

    Is this a little short sighted?

    Lots more fluffies die in an uncontrolled burn.

    I am a Greenie, but I don't subscribe to all of their doctrines.

    As for this being some sign of the end.....I give it a big fat yawn.



  • WTWizard

    Half of California? It might seem that way, but it is in fact a relatively small area. That area is prime fire country. You have dry brush that contains highly flammable oils. It is an arid region. There are mountains that both act as chimneys and funnel the winds. There is offshore winds called the Santa Ana winds that can exceed 60 MPH. These winds downslope, compressing the air and thus warming it. These are prime ingredients for fires.

    This is actually fairly normal for fires of this magnitude to happen. They do not happen every year, any more than the Mississippi floods catastrophically every year or a Katrina hits New Orleans every year. But, every 30 or 40 years, you might expect a drought there that is severe enough to set up tinder conditions. Add in a dry wind and a lightning strike, a carelessly tossed cigarette or campfire not tended to properly, or arson, and you have the recipe for trouble.

    No, this is not the end of the world. Remember, the prophecy explicitly stated that there would be no escape from the end. Anyone heading north or east will eventually reach cooler and moister air or open desert, and that would take care of the fire danger. Or, heading toward the ocean, there is no fire there. There are no fires raging in New England or New York State of this magnitude this year. So, there is in fact escape from this disaster.

  • Blueblades

    The FBI is investigating two men for arson. So much for this is the end.

  • cloudblue

    Actually, the meeting times for the congregation that I think serves Moorpark on Sunday are 10: 30, 3:30, and 6:30 at night ;) I'm not positive that Hall serves Moorpark though.

    I called my Mom to let her know I was Ok, since I'm close to the area, but not evacuated, and she's all, "Fires? I didn't know there were any fires, but I'm glad you're safe honey."

  • misguided

    This thread got me thinking...I'm sitting at my kitchen table, and I'm looking out the window to the area where over 230 houses burned in Kelowna, BC in 2003.

    During that fire, I had a JW friend I hadn't heard from in years, phone and tell me that she thought this was a sign the end was here and that I'd better get my act together. My family and other JW acquaintences either said, or indicated a similar thought at the time.

    Today, the houses are rebuilt. People's lives have got back together. The land is healing at a pace that I would never have anticipated. To look accross the lake, you'd not think it was ravaged by fire just a few years ago. And THE END still has not come.

  • LisaRose

    I used to live in California. In 1973 There was a small localized earthquake. My then hubbie dragged me out of bed and was standing in the doorway praying because he thought it was the "Big A". Everyone went out in FS that day! It was the mindset of the time as everyone thought the end was coming in 1975. Although I stayed in for another 25 years, I never again thought that anything was a sign of the end. Really, how could you live your life like that.

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